Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE


My BO girls.
Here are my babies, I did the NYE hatch and out of 28 eggs 19 hatched.

BTW thanks to my BYC friend who send me the eggs and to the one that I went to her home to pick them up.

I have 7 white and 12 Buff.

Ok, Orpington experts, I have a question. Since they are slower to mature than some breeds, how long after a pullet begins to lay should her eggs be fertile and able to hatch?

My girls are just shy of 7 months old and wonder of wonders there was a lone egg this morning.

That is up to the cock or cockerel you have. They can start right off with fertile eggs if you Artificially insemenate (AI) them. Some who have LF breeds which lays between 20 and 30 eggs a year can not afford to risk any eggs laid being unfertile. And they will AI them before they start to lay. And then the first egg will be fertile.
Cochicks - that picture is pretty!

LeftatA - Love your Buffy girl!
I used to have a "Buffy" too. She was a doll and liked to be held all the time.

Ginger - thanks for sharing pictures of your peeps. They look like they're growing nicely!

FourPawz - congrats on your first egg!
Tis the season for many of those first eggs. When they start to lay varies by hens and lines. IMO if you have a healthy, vibrant rooster with your hens, they should always be fertile. Our birds only breed naturally here and have never had a fertility issue on orps. As a matter of fact, for quite a few years we hatched year round. People always say the roos are not fertile in winter. That has not been my experience. Unless he's moulting he should be doing his job.

Nice Maxx!
Thanks for the answers guys. My rooster is healthy and young, so I don't think we'll have any trouble with fertility.

Now, I just have to sit on my hands to keep from sticking that little egg in my incubator. Think I'll wait until I have more than 1

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