Post pics of stock from Ideal Poultry please !!

Poor chickens.


Bare bottom farm: Gorgeous EE! They must've put Welsummer in their stock to make her. . . Does she lay yet? Are her eggs olive colored?

Yes she does lay and she lays 3oz and above olive to light green eggs and she lays just about everyday. I like the taste of her eggs better than the rest, but don't tell them.

I bought 2 more EE but they are not laying yet, they don't seem to be as pretty, but there young. I'am looking forward to see what they lay.
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Pretty babies! What kind of eggs do you get from your Cuckoo Marans? Can you post photos of there eggs? Thank you so much!

Thanks, I had 4 of my 5 go broody, one never got babies and one was a bad mom, but the other two where perfect moms. Mine lay semi-dark eggs, I would take pictures but I don't think any of them are laying but when they do I'll take a picture.​
This is what I get for saying they weren't laying
when to collect eggs and lock-up and there was a CM egg! Here is a picture, it looks kind of a weird shape/size but it gives you an idea:
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