Post pics of stock from Ideal Poultry please !!

I'm kinda hoping the Roos I get might be EE since they were all cleaned out this month on all chickens except EE and bantam EE. But who knows its my first time purchasing from them. Did you vaccinate your chicks? I opted out of doing so since they didn't recommend it for backyard flocks.

I can't wait to see pics of yours.

I went ahead and had them vaccinated. I was paranoid after reading so many posts on BYC about it, so I said what the heck.

Hmm looks like ill be making a phone call tommorow morning,good thing they wont be shipped till next week. Btw what kind of roosters do you have...
I think you have an australorp
I can't wait to see pics of yours.

I went ahead and had them vaccinated. I was paranoid after reading so many posts on BYC about it, so I said what the heck.

Hmm looks like ill be making a phone call tommorow morning,good thing they wont be shipped till next week. Btw what kind of roosters do you have...

Soooooooooooo, I get ANOTHER email yesterday saying that my order has been shipped. I was like, "Again?". Another order? I only had 1 order. It must be an error. So I guess I have to wait another couple days for my chicks.

Not sure what breed they all are. I will check this morning when I go out to feed and post.
Just called the post office to see if my chicks had arrived and she said yes. I asked her what time did they get there and she said about 7am this morning. Asked her why didn't they call me and she said that they did but no answer. NOT! Anyway, I'm on my way to pick them up right now. Will post pics as soon as I can.

ETA: UPDATE: THEY ARE HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 41 RIR chicks arrived and ALL were alive and alert and chirping. They threw in an extra one.

Pics of RIRs right after putting them in their new brooder. They are on newspaper right now but when I get home today, I will be changing their bedding to hay.









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Awwww cute chicks!!Your gonna have a whole lotta eggs from all those chickens. Love how dark they are though looks like you have one really light colored one in there,it even looks like it has the letter S on top of its head lol.
You have excellent vision! Yes, there is one that is very light colored. I noticed that as well. I hope it's a RIR.

How are the baby chicks doing any updates?
You have excellent vision! Yes, there is one that is very light colored. I noticed that as well. I hope it's a RIR.

How are the baby chicks doing any updates?

Thank you for asking. They are doing great. I have not lost any. I have them in the garage in their brooder with a heat lamp. They are doing well with a temp of only 80 degrees inside the brooder. They appear to be very comfortable at that temp. There is no huddling around the heat lamp at all. They are all spread out. The garage is "drafty", which is why temps are steady ay 80 degrees with the heat lamp. The outside temps in my area are not low, so it's really not too cold. The night outside temps may be in the 40's and daytime temps may be in the 60's. So, it's not cold with the heat lamp.

What's the word on your order? Any news?
How are the baby chicks doing any updates?

Thank you for asking. They are doing great. I have not lost any. I have them in the garage in their brooder with a heat lamp. They are doing well with a temp of only 80 degrees inside the brooder. They appear to be very comfortable at that temp. There is no huddling around the heat lamp at all. They are all spread out. The garage is "drafty", which is why temps are steady ay 80 degrees with the heat lamp. The outside temps in my area are not low, so it's really not too cold. The night outside temps may be in the 40's and daytime temps may be in the 60's. So, it's not cold with the heat lamp.

What's the word on your order? Any news?

No news yet its only the weekend so if I'm lucky I might get them Monday but its probally be either Tuesday or Wednesday glad I live close to them IT should only be overnight shipping. I've already informed my postlady so she should give me a call when they come in. That's awesome you haven't lost any!! How goes the blonde one?

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