Post pics of stock from Ideal Poultry please !!

Thank you for asking. They are doing great. I have not lost any. I have them in the garage in their brooder with a heat lamp. They are doing well with a temp of only 80 degrees inside the brooder. They appear to be very comfortable at that temp. There is no huddling around the heat lamp at all. They are all spread out. The garage is "drafty", which is why temps are steady ay 80 degrees with the heat lamp. The outside temps in my area are not low, so it's really not too cold. The night outside temps may be in the 40's and daytime temps may be in the 60's. So, it's not cold with the heat lamp.

What's the word on your order? Any news?

No news yet its only the weekend so if I'm lucky I might get them Monday but its probally be either Tuesday or Wednesday glad I live close to them IT should only be overnight shipping. I've already informed my postlady so she should give me a call when they come in. That's awesome you haven't lost any!! How goes the blonde one?

Blonde is doing good. I never saw a RIR that light but who knows. I'll try to get a pic of ole blonde and post.

What state do you live in? I'm excited about your order and can't wait to see pics.
No news yet its only the weekend so if I'm lucky I might get them Monday but its probally be either Tuesday or Wednesday glad I live close to them IT should only be overnight shipping. I've already informed my postlady so she should give me a call when they come in. That's awesome you haven't lost any!! How goes the blonde one?

Blonde is doing good. I never saw a RIR that light but who knows. I'll try to get a pic of ole blonde and post.

What state do you live in? I'm excited about your order and can't wait to see pics.

Texas se of San Antonio so I'm only like 3 hours from Ideal farm. Can't wait to see more pics of Blonde BTW what are you going to do with all those chickens?
Blonde is doing good. I never saw a RIR that light but who knows. I'll try to get a pic of ole blonde and post.

What state do you live in? I'm excited about your order and can't wait to see pics.

Texas se of San Antonio so I'm only like 3 hours from Ideal farm. Can't wait to see more pics of Blonde BTW what are you going to do with all those chickens?

You're not far at all.

I ordered more pullets because I have a small egg business and I can't keep up with the amount of eggs that customers are ordering. I have a waiting list. More and more people are looking for fresh eggs. They are tired of the yucky store bought eggs. So, I need more layers to lay eggs. I really want some more but Ideal doesn't have the breed I need and I'm afraid to order from somewhere that is too far away.
Yaay finally got my chicks in yesterday








The gold ones were the ones that Ideal added to the pullets I ordered dont know what they are Im guessing Buff Orpingtons but any Ideas?The striped ones are the Amerucauanas (but are actually EE) that I had ordered I got 10 and I also got 15 of the gold ones.
Here some of my babies from Ideal. First two are bantam EEs hatched Oct. Third photo is Aug hatch white silkie roo, self blue orgb bantam roo, silver laced cochin bantam hen, golden laced cochin bantam hen, buff cochin bantam

hen, black tailed buff jap hen, and a silver penciled cochin bantam hen.

DSC_0017 by AuberyMirkwood, on Flickr

DSC_0034 by AuberyMirkwood, on Flickr

DSC_0027 by AuberyMirkwood, on Flickr
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Here is an updated pics of the little ones that were hatched on December 13, 2011 from Ideal. They have been outside in a coop for the last 2 weeks and are doing well. I think I have some roosters in the bunch. :he :barnie

Loved surfing the photos guys! I just placed my order, we'll see when they get here. Unfortunately all but male blue red cubalayas were sold out, so I ordered 2 males and will order a batch of females later so I have some room to cull. My order is:

5 silver blue modern bantams
5 self blue modern bantams
5 blue modern bantams
(see a pattern? lol)
3 blue red cubalaya cockerels
5 black breasted red cubalaya pullets the wait begins....:)

And the modern bantam "pattern" is to get a friend (or a few) for my lonely silver blue female that's my avatar pic, Sapphira. I figured I can practice dubbing on the cockerels to see if I want to get into the more expensive show stock. Don't want to get into show birds and not be able to show the cockerels because I can't dub lol.

So, I'll be placing another order later. Who knows what'll sneak it's way onto that order...Those d'Anver and d'Uccle pics have been darling..... :) And I was REALLY impressed with that phoenix cock! WOW! Nice to see that nice of tails coming out of a hatchery :)

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