Post Pics Of Your Chicken With Worst Molt

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My girls insisted that speckledhen told them they could refuse to be photographed during a molt.
Here's a picture from a couple weeks ago:

She lost even more feathers after this. There were only a couple left on her wings she just couldn't bear to part with...I'm assuming it was a sentimental attachment, as they weren't doing much for warmth or flight. Or beauty.

But now it is a few weeks later. Her new feathers are growing in and she is much more comfortable. (i.e., she isn't standing around irately with her teeth chattering.)
To all those revolted former loving chicken picker uppers. I have eight chickens, four different breeds. The Cucko Marins are the most revolting looking molters in the group. They look like cancer victims! I feed them but I have lost my appeal for admiring them in the light of day. I know its just a phase and we will be reunited in beauty once again. I am glad to view the other photos of our once glorious girls.
I'd say the same about my cuckoo marans! Wings look awful, dull bleached feathers across her shoulders , bare tummy .... but I see nice new feathers on her shanks - this one sure takes a long time to molt - the other breeds I have are started and done now and they had totally bald backsides!
I'm so glad I found this thread. I just went to check on my polish hen and her feathers are coming out by the ton. At first I thought she was sick when I saw all the feathers but then realized she hasn't gone through a molt yet that I noticed. She's about 19 mos. old so I think the timing is right. She's stopped laying but eats well, poops normal and appears to be healthy besides the feathers everywhere. What do you guys do for the poor girls? Especially with winter coming.
Mine haven't molted--ever--they are about 7.5 - 8 months old--is that normal? Or maybe it was so minor I couldn't tell??
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