Post pics of your chicks thread!!!

My very first home bred Crested Cream Legbars :) 6 days old :)

I'm so sorry! I ordered chicks from Meyer and they arrived Tuesday May 7th. We had one of the Black Australorp's die within the first 12 hours of having her home. She was very weak when she arrived and we think she had Wry Neck. It was hard enough to lose one and I can't imagine losing 6... *hugs* I hope you're doing okay, and I hope the other 22 chicks are doing alright too.

Aww we'll how are the others?

The 22 remaining seem "okay" but I am so scared every time to go and look. I've cleaned a couple poopy butts but they seem to be eating and drinking okay. I can't imagine losing anymore but guess I will just have to wait and see.

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