Post Pics of your Leghorns

Here's my white leghorn rooster sun bathing
Here he is trying to run and bite my sparkly toe nail polish

Here he is behind my favorite hen BBQ I think she is his favorite too

He's very nice.
I finally got some red leghorns! They are 3 months old, I paid for 4 pullets and was lucky enough that she had a cockerel that she threw in with them for free. I just got home with them, the lady had them caged and ready for me so I didn't get to pick them out but in the light from my cell phone, it looks like the cockerel has white earlobes and at least 2 of the pullets, one of the pullets had a nice tail. I will try to get some pics tomorrow.
I figure if all goes as planned and these birds make it to breeding age, I will hatch out tons of chicks from them and only keep the best and work on a show line. I plan to do some outcrossing to good buffs and browns to help improve type/size and all that good stuff
That is infection. Sometimes they can lost the eye. Give him antibiotic for 3-4 days and you can put Neosporin on the eye. Terra Vet (sp) is good antibiotic fo this kind of illnesses. Sorry that's all I know. Maybe someone will give you other idea.
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