Post Pics of your Leghorns

This is my leghorn. I saved her from a pack(14) of barred rocks. She was about 18 weeks old when I got her. Named her Foggy. She is quicker than lightning, and has flown into the neighbors yard once. I had 6 original hens that I raised from week old chicks. They will still throw an occasional peck her way. They are all 6 months old now. Foggy is laying nice white eggs almost every day. She is very smart....instead of being bullied by the other hens, she will run by them and grab a choice piece of melon or other morsel right out of their beaks and keep on running. She also talks to me, and loves to climb up on the laying boxes, and have me pick her up for a little visit. I have to admit she is my favorite.
@redrstr29 said they were looking for leghorns.

But since you piped up... What kind are you ( @TherryChicken looking for? Did you get those chicks from the rare breed page? The adults looked pretty! :drool

No I didn't, I can't afford to do bidding or auctions as they always go too high. I would like silver and buff
How big do leghorn horn roos get?

I have a cockeral who is a ok size,but is he done?I want something who can stand its ground.His body weight and and size isn't acceptable.....Of course he is only 5 months....




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