Post Pics of your Leghorns

My brown leghorns - Lefty and Righty. One comb flops to the left and one to the right

I rescued a white leghorn hen about 4 months ago. Actually, it was my 7 year old son's idea. We saw her at a flea market, and he felt sorry for her. She was badly beaten up, most of her feathers were gone, and she just probably was not going to live unless we took her home.

I wasn't too keen on the idea, but I said yes. After about two weeks of rehab, she's very healthy and integrated into my flock. She's a little thing, but lays a huge white egg every day.

I never wanted a leghorn because they're known as being flighty, but honestly, she's become one of my favorite hens. She is a little skittish, but honestly, it's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. She's actually a very sweet girl. I can't wait until she molts and replaces her broken feathers.
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my turn! I got this fiesty and protective girl out of a batam bin to keep a lonely nankin company. She fit the bill. She sits in a hand very contently.

Thanks to this thread I now know what he is.
The whites are said to be the best layers because they are more production oriented, but I've also heard that the other varieties will lay just as well.

Anyone know from experience?
This young lady is getting to be so pretty I just had to show her off... Her comb is just now getting big enough to start flopping


the next two are a little blurred for some reason, I was using the zoom in a camera app. I dl'd onto my iPhone

I don't have any pics in this computer but can answer the laying question with the other colors..
NO they don't lay as well and or size..we have had every color at one time or another all lay well but it's the size of the egg where there is a huge difference.Most of the colored ones will lay 5-6 days a week where my white is 6-7 days. I have one taking a break to go broody
I always have broody leghorns I just don't understand how I can find them all...
Brown-as close to the white as you will get in laying and size A+++
Buff-lay larger medium to small large egg..sold them all because of it 55 grams was the normal for most of the colors my whites 70-72 normal
Red-Ditto to buff
Black-a smidge bigger than the buff in size
Mille-don't lay white but an off white and also lay those smaller eggs but very mellow natured so if your not concerned with jumbo eggs a great option
Exechequer-pocket pets love to be held that lay well nearly every day and eggs are also on the smaller large size..we weigh every egg I won't sell my checkers..lost my roo in the flood so now crossing them to my splash AM for blue hopefully mottled EE that will lay blue or white eggs
until I get another roo grown that I will use for breeding
Silver-awesome little birds and I mean little makes my white's seem big and mine are not bantam they lay a smaller large egg but beauty wins here and they can stay

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