Post pics of your Polish chickens





My polish playing in the garden on a wet day
they are fab pets to have about
mine live happliy in a mixed flock

Help! Our Polish hen and rooster both have large patches of exposed skin on their heads. We've checked for mites and lice and can't find any evidence of either. Wilma is at the bottom of the pecking order but Fred is the only rooster for our 13 hens and is a great protector. Any ideas? Wilma has had new feathers pulled out and that's where the blood came from.
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Help! Our Polish hen and rooster both have large patches of exposed skin on their heads. We've checked for mites and lice and can't find any evidence of either. Wilma is at the bottom of the pecking order but Fred is the only rooster for our 13 hens and is a great protector. Any ideas? Wilma has had new feathers pulled out and that's where the blood came from.

It's looks like they are being feather pecked. I would seperate them from the flock so they have time to heal. When they bleed it encourages the others to peck even more. Polish don't do well in mixed flocks even the Roos can be picked on by the hens. Their crests need cleaning and drying regular to try and keep infection at bay. Some antiseptic cream would also not go amiss untill they start to shoe improvement. Good luck and hope you can get them back to full health soon.
Oh I love this thread! And also my Polish chickens! We only have 2 hens, but they certainly keep us entertained with their "big band conductor" movements! And ours are mixed in with our regular flock, but then again, they are almost all the same age too so they were all raised together.

Above are the 2 girls as teenagers

Integrated with the rest of the flock here

Pecker (that name was hubby's idea) and she's gorgeous, though very aloof.

Punky is our punk rocker, and also seems to be the loudmouth of the group.
She likes to get real loud at times,just talking for no reason that we can find.
They look great and it's nice to see them with your others. I too have one that is always talking she is constantly at it!! Her other flock members just ignore her now. I think the polish are quite a talkative breed I think because they can't see a great deal they talk more to see where everyone is!! I know when I go out to mine they don't see me at first but as soon as I shout "Hi" they all come to fence. Sure the neighbours think I'm crazy.
They look great and it's nice to see them with your others. I too have one that is always talking she is constantly at it!! Her other flock members just ignore her now. I think the polish are quite a talkative breed I think because they can't see a great deal they talk more to see where everyone is!! I know when I go out to mine they don't see me at first but as soon as I shout "Hi" they all come to fence. Sure the neighbours think I'm crazy.
Thanks! I do love my Polish girls. And yes, Punky just keeps rattling off about this or that, and the others are ignoring her. I'm thinking that sometimes it's me she's talking to. When I open their pen to let them run free, she usually starts in and doesn't quit until I go inside. It's funny! But out of 15 hens and 1 roo, she has the most personality. I'd like to get at least a couple more this year, if I can talk my other half into it. He says we have too many now, lol!

I just looked at your photos Yorkshire coop, beautiful!!
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