Post pics of your Polish chickens

I love my polish, Ozzy and Pearl. I disagree about them being timid or easily picked on though. The roo Ozzy hasn't figured out he's a roo yet - he's almost five months old - but Pearl the pullet is sassy. None of the younger birds are allowed to sleep on a higher roost than Pearl. She gives the other youngsters a good solid peck if they try.
I think I want some... But would be afraid the others would pluck their top knots off.
I have a flock of over 40, many different breeds, and my Polish don't have plucked or bare crests.

Forgot to add, here's mine. . .








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Stunning thanks for the pics.... Maybe someday. My grandsons just laughed so hard when I took them to the NW fair last month. They love the breed.
This is Mo. He is the head honcho amongst not only the chickens, but the dogs, too. All it took was for my brother's dog to pester the chickens and get her butt whooped by Mo and now ALL the dogs show respect. haha Yes, Polish are sweet little pets, but not all are timid and easily picked on.

Polish are awesome! My mom has chickens and she let us (me and my son) get some to live at her place as well. We got Polish and an accidental EE (no regrets, though!). Both breeds are so adorable and funny. The roos (there are two, but they get along pretty well) like to stand in the flower boxes and peek in the kitchen window at night while the girls are putting themselves to bed. It's hilarious. I want to get a photo, but so hard with the flash glare on the window.
This is Bubbles. I adopted her after the flock at her previous home repeatedly removed the feathers from the back of her head. I treated the bald spot with Underwood Horse Medicine, which had the nice side effect of discouraging the hens in my flock from pecking at her head when I introduced her. By then her feathers were growing back pretty well. The chickens free-range in the (fenced) yard during the day and retire to the run and coop in the evening, and everyone is getting along really well with minimal squabbling.

In this picture, Bubbles is running up to me because I called her. She knows her name and comes every time, usually squawking along the way.

im down to just one Polish
but i love him. though he really needs a home. im not sure the neighbours will put up with his crowing much longer
but it hink he's Gorgeous.


this one is 2 months ago- i need new pics of him when he's done this molt his tail has come in GORGEOUS. He's 4 months old in this pic

him cuddling with my silkie roo (who he helped raise)

this pic was just from last week- you can see how much longer his tail is getting- but he's mid molt
4 months old again

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