post pictures of your coops

Do you have any ventilation windows for when the birds are locked inside the coop ? Also, are you replacing the glass front with hardware cloth this summer ?

This is our first pvc project in May


This is the nearly completed result and its safe and sound!

the duck run to their floor access between the 2 chicken quarters. aka my potting shed.


The division between silkie run and duck pond area in the pvc run.

Bantam quarters under the potting bench for one old pair of mille fluers

On the other side of the building are the qtrs. for the silkies with cat litter buckets for nesting boxes. The ducks live between the two quarters with a bale of straw as their nesting area.
WOW! All of these are WAY kewl! I got some ideas on how to fix up the coops for my ladies. Thanks guys! I will share was one of the farm buildings here (used to be the main house before they built this one) that was converted into a coop. It took all of Fall and Winter to get it together...whew!


PS Yes...those are kitty litter buckets behind the curtains. LOL! Ghetto? Maybe...but, they work!

day one outside:

day one inside:

last day outside:

final day inside:

and it looks after all the tromping and goings on

Yes, If you look at the pic with the door that opens (for me) there is screen over the top in the triangluar areas.

Why do I need to cover the window with hardware cloth, and what is hardware cloth???
Great ! It was hard to tell if it was glass or what.

In the summer, the glass will absorb the heat and depending on where you locate your coop, the sun will come in through the windows. It will get very very hot during the day, and will retain the heat at night. It will still be hot when you lock your birds up.

Hardware cloth is a woven mesh material used for cages and fences. It has 1/4" or 1/2" holes and is very strong. It is good to put over windows for ventilation and to keep predators out. Some people use it along the bottom of their run fences to keep raccoons from reaching into the pen, and to keep little chicks from getting out and birds from sticking their heads through the fence.


Raccoons and opposums can tear through regular screen (and chicken wire). It would be safer to put hardware cloth over your ventilation holes too.

(BTW - you have a very nice coop !)
Thank you so much for this info!! We have a Racoon problem with our garden this year...I will tell Hubby to get some asap!

Thanks for the compliments on the house. Hubby owns an exterior renovation company locally and he gets all kinds of 'extras'!
redfeathers that looks awesome, but take it from me you need to make the spaces in that run WAAAAY smaller. We have had a weasel problem for a few weeks now and he was climbing happily straight though chainlink with holes the same size as your run.


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