post pictures of your coops

WHy thanks earthnut........I like it too...... kids just dont know "art" when they see it
Here are my chicken condos---three small coops.
I have 6 standards in the main coop, 6 bantams in chicken alley and I built a little off coop--very small- for a injuried bird and the baby chick she adopted as her own without even being brody ( Im still amazed by that!) I love that hen!





Thanks for letting me share! I have been working my A$$ off on this coop(s) all summer! I love checking out everyone coops! They all look great-- and who cares if they are "ghetto"--I can guarantee your chickens are loved and well cared for--they're happy!
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OK, I haven't posted because I wanted to "finish" everything, but that might take MONTHS.

Here's the Hen house. We didn't build it--we just retrofitted (and repainted) an existing playhouse. The little barn hanging in the window frame is a two-story nest box. The "barn" door opens. Someday we'll drill holes behind the door, so we can access the nest boxes without going into the coop.

The run is currently 10x12. We're also going to fence the garden, so in the "off season" the girls will have an extra 20x25 foot area on the other side of their house.

Here's the nest box (Roxie modelling) from inside. I put hinged doors on the boxes because I'm a control freak, and I don't want them sleeping/pooping in them.

I can't get a good picture of the hens' quarters, because it's quite tight in there. (Most of the playhouse is storage for garden tools. In the future, I hope to "squeeze out" the storage area and expand the chicken area. But I have to ease my husband into the idea first
LOL, valmom. I'll get more space. It's only a matter of time. I just have to let Mr. Horsewishr warm up to the idea first. (After 9 years of horse stewardship, he's actually talking about getting his OWN horse. These things take time. . . )
I'll post some pictures of my new chicken coop in these photos the ladder and nest boxes are missing but they are there now .

the roof is insulated as well as the floor. I have a 150watt infrared lightbulb for the winter the whole coop is enclosed wtih the run on the bottom, so the run is 8 feet long 5 feet wide the underthe house part is 2 feet high and the open area is 4.5 feet high with a door for me to climb in although its a really tight fit.

the floor is plywood painted with deck paint and i'm going to cover it is deep pine shavings there are two roosts that equal 60 inches of roost space bought feeders that tuck in close to the bottom of the roof line inside to maximize space and the nest boxes are also pitched to meet the roof for maximum floor space.

this is the inside view this back door opens up fully to make it easy to clean out and get eggs

and the side view showing the chicken door open (no ladder yet)

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