post pictures of your coops

Here is our coop. It used to be housing for an outdoor permanent generator, then it was moved to another location and sat and rotted for many years. A person gave it to us for free if we would move it off his land.

My DH renovated it, replacing about 3/4 of the rotted wood, roof and floor. It is insulated against New England winters, and is protected in every way we know how against predators. So far no disturbances.

Our five Buff Orps are very cozy in it, but are pestering us for satellite tv and a sauna.

An "In Progress" Picture of the Coop:

The finished coop:

The After-Work De-Stressing Area:

Bedtime for Sweet Chickies:

Next step - CHRISTMAS LIGHTS ! !
All of these great coops AND runs make me realize how much work I still have to do!!! Although, after throwing together ( in four hours- without the right lumber) a run for the two hens I got yesterday ...I must say they managed to find their way back into the upper part of the coop to roost!
wow guys you all have some fantastic always really impressed by the quality of the handywork so many of your husbands are capable of producing. Makes me realise that if I had to earn my money by making stuff with my hands that i would be dirt poor. Good thing medicine was there for me otherwise I would be unemployed!LOL

Im working on a pretty ambitious expansion on my coop at the moment and a few back injuries, squished finger nails and bruises and a LOT OF CURSING later the main bulk of the heavy work is done. I just have to finish the detailing and sealing the vents with chicken wire, cut and hang a larger door, do the second coat of paint, rehang the nesting boxes, put in and finish 2 windows....oh well ok there is still A LOT to do clearly but im getting there! I will post some pics tonight if i can get enough done today. I LOVE MY CHICKENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i collected 11 eggs yesterday from my girls. Then I ate6 of them for breakfast today
aran, are you an MD? My FIL was an MD. MIL refused to let him touch a tool, for fear that he'd injure himself and not be able to do his job. When DH and I were first married, my in-laws came to "help" us paint. My FIL was fascinated with the paint roller, because he'd never even seen one before! This was 1995!
Here is mine. Not sure of the deminsions (sp?). Hubby built it out of extra 4" Sunroom materials (What he does for a living) He loved having that extra window to use as well. They have baskets for eggs, but they aren't in there in the pictures. I will take some pictures of their yard later when I go to check on them.


Door to get in


Their "Door"

**Please note that this is only the finished coop and has a yard and chickens now. We just picked it up and moved it to a different location.

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