Post Your Best Joke!!!

This guy is at a bar having a few drinks. A few turns into a few more, which turns in to a few more, which turns into a whole lot. Once he's completely plastered and the tender yells " last call" he decides it's time to go home. He goes to stand up and WHAM!, he hits the floor. He tries to shake it off and stand up again and THUD!, hits the deck again. He gives it one more try, hits hard again and figures he'll just crawl the two blocks home since he's too drunk to walk.
He wakes up the next morning with a massive hangover and his wife at the foot of the bed. Arms crossed and tapping her toe, she asks; " you go out drinking last night?" He says "naw honey I just had one with dinner while I watched the game." She says "is that right?" "He says yeah that's right." She says.....

" Well where in the hell is your wheelchair?"
The dirtiest joke my dad, the preacher, ever told.

A dog walking through a park, saw a sign on a park bench. The sign said WET PAINT, so the he did.

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