post your chicken coop pictures here!

Yes all of are cats are fixed here is three boys and 1 girl and they have been using the same liter since we got them they use it for about three months to a year and then all of a sudden behind the couch they go
They are all heathy and now the they all but two lives on the front porch and that's there kitty palace and two stay in the garage during the night and the one is inside all day and then the other one is not allowed in because of the Christmas tree thing
Yes all of are cats are fixed here is three boys and 1 girl and they have been using the same liter since we got them they use it for about three months to a year and then all of a sudden behind the couch they go

1 litter box for 4 cats is probably your problem as some cats refuse to share with others especially other males, also some cats like a very clean litter box, with 4 cats it might simply be getting dirty too fast for some of the cats to use... Cats also have quirky personalities, they might also be pooping behind the couch to spite you for something you are doing they don't like or something in the house they don't like...
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it gets clean a few times a week so it don't get dirty

Your idea of clean and the cats can differ drastically... I have had cats over the years that refused the use the box if not cleaned daily, others don't care if it's cleaned once a week... For that reason I have always kept a clean 'backup' litter box in the house in the basement or what not, it rarely if ever gets used but provides an alternative when they decide they don't like the primary litter box...
1 litter box for 4 cats is probably your problem as some cats refuse to share with others especially other males, also some cats like a very clean litter box, with 4 cats it might simply be getting dirty too fast for some of the cats to use... Cats also have quirky personalities, they might also be pooping behind the couch to spite you for something you are doing they don't like or something in the house they don't like...

The general "rule" is one more box than cats in case they won't share. We have 3 cats. Used to have 2 inside boxes and 1 outside on the enclosed porch. DD1 continually failed to clean the upstairs one in the bathroom. Given she will be 23 in a week, it isn't because it is a job she can not do. In any case our cats manage with the one inside box in the laundry room and one on the porch. And they don't use the one on the porch too much in the winter. If they weren't willing to share, we would have more.

O one cat is not liter trained and we only ever had two cats inside liter trained at a time and it gets clean a few times a week so it don't get dirty

Pardon my directness: A few times a week is criminal. Once a DAY is criminal. Cats have sensitive noses, that is why they bury their 'stuff'. As a cat owner it is your duty to make sure the litter box is not disgusting to their noses. Our indoor one is cleaned at least 3 times a day year round. The one on the porch depending on if they are using it.
Mine used to pee in the fireplace or outside the box but then she stopped. Sometimes she still prefers to pee in the shower or sink but we just got both bathrooms redone and so don't let her in either anymore. We used to be horrible about cleaning it and rsrely did and that's where she had the problem. Now we try to clean every week and I've been trying to clean more often even. We only have one cat though and she's tiny. With 4, or even 2, it could get dirty way faster and my version of the dirty box that happens every few days might be daily for you with that many cats. Also if others are not using the box that may cause the ones that are trained to just do what the untrained ones do. I would also clean the area behind the couch really well with vinegar (gets rid of the smell/enzymes but safe unlike bleach and not pricy like special pet cleaners) and clean it really really well so it doesn't smell like pee or poo and keep attracting them. Also there could be something stressing them out. That often causes marking. Maybe a stray outside or whatever. And supposedly each cat is supposed to have a box and have one extra too so even with my one cat we should really have 2 boxes. She uses it fine though. Now for you, 4 or 5 boxes may be excessive but I would at least have more than one. Another thing I would try is to try putting a box where they like to go, so behind the couch, and they may start using it. Also I'm sure yours actually are healthy but often they can seem healthy but have a urinary problem or something you can't see. But in your case its probably just behavior. Also i found switching our cat to better food helped
The general "rule" is one more box than cats in case they won't share. We have 3 cats. Used to have 2 inside boxes and 1 outside on the enclosed porch. DD1 continually failed to clean the upstairs one in the bathroom. Given she will be 23 in a week, it isn't because it is a job she can not do. In any case our cats manage with the one inside box in the laundry room and one on the porch. And they don't use the one on the porch too much in the winter. If they weren't willing to share, we would have more.

Pardon my directness: A few times a week is criminal. Once a DAY is criminal. Cats have sensitive noses, that is why they bury their 'stuff'. As a cat owner it is your duty to make sure the litter box is not disgusting to their noses. Our indoor one is cleaned at least 3 times a day year round. The one on the porch depending on if they are using it.

I agree, though im not sure cleaning multiple times a day is truly necessary. Maybe with multiple cats it is though. We have one cat and it doesn't get dirty that fast but with multiple cats, what happens to ours jn a few days may happen daily
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