post your chicken coop pictures here!

Looking substantial Mike... gotta say those pics give me power toy envy... the tractor, the chipper... Nice! Oh, and the saw is pretty decent too
Had mice in my old coop. Built a feed stand just tall enough for mice and put decon in it. Got rid of mice and no chicken issues so i keep decon in all my buildings now and no mice. First clue, open a drawer and find nests. And, yes i know chickens eat mice but decon will send them looking for water so they dont die in buildings, typically. Another good reason to use nipple water stations.

Initially kept decon in the barn because i keep vehicle seats in there and store other cloth items as well an dont want mice nesting in them. Sadly, save the whalers forced decon to trash the old pellet tray and go for something they probably wont eat so im looking on line for the old stuff. None of.the local stores sell it any more. That is another rule i have, nothing alive on my property except people and pets. If mice and mosquitos become extinct it wont hurt my feelings a bit (poo on balance of nature) Sorry, fish and owls just have to eat something else.

Only problem.... chickens will eat mice...

I got little more done today I am not fast because I am not a builder so I have to test fit or draw things out to see if it works and I pose pieces in place to see if I like them. I took some pictures of the door and windows to go in and I test fit the largest window I did not like the height of the window on the first test fit so I pulled it out and raised it 6". Some of the pictures show parts posed in place the way I think they should go like the rafter. Tomorrow I am going to build the upper portion of the monitor on the shop floor I have equipment to set it in place after it is built. I will add the perlins after all the elements are in place to hold the siding. I am having fun building this hen house taking my time so far it is all plumb and level. I plan to add a couple more poured piers to hold the overhang in the front.

I took some pictures of my girls they seem to approve.

As a side note if I haven't mentioned it I am using 4x6 post because I got a good deal on 32 of them if I had purchased new material for this job I would have framed with 2x4's but when I saw the pile on CL I thought timber framing I just don't want to spend the time cutting all the tenons so I am cheating and screwing it all together.


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I got little more done today I am not fast because I am not a builder so I have to test fit or draw things out to see if it works and I pose pieces in place to see if I like them. I took some pictures of the door and windows to go in and I test fit the largest window I did not like the height of the window on the first test fit so I pulled it out and raised it 6". Some of the pictures show parts posed in place the way I think they should go like the rafter. Tomorrow I am going to build the upper portion of the monitor on the shop floor I have equipment to set it in place after it is built. I will add the perlins after all the elements are in place to hold the siding. I am having fun building this hen house taking my time so far it is all plumb and level. I plan to add a couple more poured piers to hold the overhang in the front.

I took some pictures of my girls they seem to approve.

As a side note if I haven't mentioned it I am using 4x6 post because I got a good deal on 32 of them if I had purchased new material for this job I would have framed with 2x4's but when I saw the pile on CL I thought timber framing I just don't want to spend the time cutting all the tenons so I am cheating and screwing it all together.


Mann I was going to say thats one sturdy coop.... then I read this post....

LOve it when you get a good deal. Screws are good because they dont back out like nails do...

Um, would you like to come explain that to my dominant hens? The Anconas try, and succeed, to mount pretty much every other hen. They generally fail with the little Cubalayas, they are too fast. A couple of others do too. Many of my girls backs have messed up feathers though not to the extent of a roo overdoing. I also have a hen that crows, just the first 2 notes. She also whistles, bugles, squeals, etc. Sometimes she sounds like a chicken. Used to be a great layer but after the winter shutdown has only laid shell-less eggs
But since she still acts like herself I don't think she is in any discomfort.

My food is suspended in the coop. The woodchucks love it
The water is in the coop as well, nipples in a pipe along one wall with a trough under to catch drips. It is usually full of shavings (chickens scratch don't you know) so never any water on the floor.

BTW, mice can jump quite a distance, a feeder hung low enough any chicken can get to it is no obstacle for a mouse.
4 x their length nose to tail


Best mouse trap is a bucket with about three inches of water in the bottom

wont let me post another video so here is the link to Youtube

the water at the bottom floats them a bit so they cant get a good spring.

I have had one old timer suggest you dont need the can with peanut butter... just fill the bucket higher and sprinkle feed on the top...


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