post your chicken coop pictures here!

Finally have the coop finished. The little ones arrive Sunday!!!

Left side with nest boxes, access doors to retrieve eggs.

Right side with door to run and door to coop.

Back side with window that opens. Door on bottom flips up to remove poop tray.

Inside view of roosts and brooder light. Babies will only be 3 weeks old. Nest boxes have been blocked off for time being so they don't try to sleep in them.
Just need to add the shavings. Temporary feeders and water will be in coop for 1 week before they have access to the run. Can't wait till my babies arrive!!!!
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Here is the start to my little brooder/grow out coop. It is 4'x4' footprint and will house a removable nest box (aka a dish tub) for broodies. This will be used until any littles (alone now, but hopefully with mom in the future) can grow out a bit before being integrated into the flock. THere will be a small run attached, nothing special and mostly made to keep chicks in and adult chickens out. When we don't have littles around it will be used to store feed in the winter or for anyone who needs a break from the rest of the flock. It will always be located next to the big coop so that the littles are always a visual part of the flock. Roof goes on tomorrow, siding this weekend, and hopefully I can get the blackjack #57 down and cured on the floor so the crazy bunch in my basement can go outside!!
Here's the start of what I'm calling the Chicken Tipi/Camper/Tractor. I've spent exactly zero on it . . . perhaps you can tell. Wood we milled. Old wire, an old camper shell, and other staples (Things one commonly has/uses . . . including staples.) any handyman might have around.

The shell is the coop. There's a wire skirt around it, a ramp up through the floor for their access. Nesting box access will be through a door above them in the front of the camper shell. The nesting boxes are buckets/baskets attached to the front at a slight angle.

The tall pieces at the top of the Tipi run will serve as a mast for the electric fence wire. that I'll place around the bottom of the Chicken Tipi and Camper to dissuade predators.

Chicks are still small and are in the brooder. They're only partially feathered. Today was their first afternoon outside since it was almost 70. They ran around and had lots of fun.

I'd appreciate your ideas and/or suggestions.

Here's the start of what I'm calling the Chicken Tipi/Camper/Tractor. I've spent exactly zero on it . . . perhaps you can tell. Wood we milled. Old wire, an old camper shell, and other staples (Things one commonly has/uses . . . including staples.) any handyman might have around.

The shell is the coop. There's a wire skirt around it, a ramp up through the floor for their access. Nesting box access will be through a door above them in the front of the camper shell. The nesting boxes are buckets/baskets attached to the front at a slight angle.

The tall pieces at the top of the Tipi run will serve as a mast for the electric fence wire. that I'll place around the bottom of the Chicken Tipi and Camper to dissuade predators.

Chicks are still small and are in the brooder. They're only partially feathered. Today was their first afternoon outside since it was almost 70. They ran around and had lots of fun.

I'd appreciate your ideas and/or suggestions.

Here's the start of what I'm calling the Chicken Tipi/Camper/Tractor. I've spent exactly zero on it . . . perhaps you can tell. Wood we milled. Old wire, an old camper shell, and other staples (Things one commonly has/uses . . . including staples.) any handyman might have around.

The shell is the coop. There's a wire skirt around it, a ramp up through the floor for their access. Nesting box access will be through a door above them in the front of the camper shell. The nesting boxes are buckets/baskets attached to the front at a slight angle.

The tall pieces at the top of the Tipi run will serve as a mast for the electric fence wire. that I'll place around the bottom of the Chicken Tipi and Camper to dissuade predators.

Chicks are still small and are in the brooder. They're only partially feathered. Today was their first afternoon outside since it was almost 70. They ran around and had lots of fun.

I'd appreciate your ideas and/or suggestions.

we did that with an old camper, but it is a full one 34"longand we are looking for another one we have just about 50 all toll, we have 6 black and 7 red sexlicks 1 1/2 old then we have 8 rir 1 black and white, 1 lays blue egg also a white with little black, then we have 4 rir 10wks, 5 black and 6 red sexlicks 5wks also 6 rir 5wks then we have 6 peeps 2wks in house.
Here's the start of what I'm calling the Chicken Tipi/Camper/Tractor. I've spent exactly zero on it . . . perhaps you can tell. Wood we milled. Old wire, an old camper shell, and other staples (Things one commonly has/uses . . . including staples.) any handyman might have around.

The shell is the coop. There's a wire skirt around it, a ramp up through the floor for their access. Nesting box access will be through a door above them in the front of the camper shell. The nesting boxes are buckets/baskets attached to the front at a slight angle.

The tall pieces at the top of the Tipi run will serve as a mast for the electric fence wire. that I'll place around the bottom of the Chicken Tipi and Camper to dissuade predators.

Chicks are still small and are in the brooder. They're only partially feathered. Today was their first afternoon outside since it was almost 70. They ran around and had lots of fun.

I'd appreciate your ideas and/or suggestions.

I'm not a builder but I sure would like to see the end result! I've always wondered how predator proof the electric fences are when there's a power failure? Are you adding hardwire anywhere around the bottom of the Tipi. Need to think about what will dig under the coop as just plain old dog mutts are good diggers not to mention foxes, raccoons, bobcats, etc.

You asked for suggestions and will probably get a bunch but I'm sure it will all help.

Chickens are "sitting ducks" in enclosures so always think security security security from outside predators is the only suggestion I can give - Smiles
Nice build! In our So CA earthquake territory we could never get away with loose cinder block foundations - the building would slide right off in a quake LOL

We had a bad quake with multiple aftershocks and all my DH and I could think was that it was a good thing our coop wasn't up high to break off at its legs. I like high coops off the ground so to be safe our next one will be on wheels. The worst it can do is roll around in an earthquake !

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