post your chicken coop pictures here!

This is the inside before I added the run and the chickens. I put this curtain up to cover the nest boxes until they are 5 mths old. Then I will cut it and pull it back so they can use them. I put plexi-glass on two sides of the coop. I also put trays with Sweet PDZ and shavings on the floor of the coop. The run is grass and they free-range during the day. It stays very clean and airy and the plexi-glass keeps the rain out.
Here is ours. Just finishing it up. We are about 95% complete. I built this from plans I downloaded from downeast thunder farms website.




So instead of tearing down my kids old playhouse/swing set we decided to transform it into a chicken coop! But I have a few questions before we go any further.....
1- can i leave the sandbox under the house or should I fill it with dirt?
2- should i put roosting poles outside the house as well as inside?
3- where does food and water go? inside or out?
4-i know i put pine chips in the house but do i put anything on the floor of the outside part?

any suggestions or tips with this coop would be greatly appreciated!! this is our first go with chickens:)
thank you!!
You'll get a ton of opinions now that you've asked all those questions LOL!!!

Wish we could fine a playhouse to repurpose! Lucky you! And it is absolutely darling. Is the wire buried in the ground to deter digging predators? Otherwise I suggest a paver stone walkway or cinderblocks or heavy decorative rocks around the base of the pen. Raccoons are the worst and you'll never know you have them until the coop is attacked.

#1 - Kid's playsand holds too much moisture - coarse sand drains better. We use plain old dirt for our chickens in a raised 4x4 cedar garden bed with NO additives but would consider coarse sand if we were to add anything to the dirt. The natural dirt has been working for 3 years and the hens love it. Everyone has a different preference but dirt is just plain natural. We don't use DE either as chickens are susceptible to respiratory/lung infections so we don't even use Sevin, Pyrethrin (spelling?) Cornstarch, or any powders. We do use OMRI organic Poultry Protector spray for both chickens and coop (directions on label for correct useage) as monthly maintenance against lice/mites.
#2 - I have roosting poles in the yard as well as in the pen. I have my longest roosting plank going through the holes of two cinder blocks set up under the canopy I also provide a lot of low lean-to shelters, doghouses, rose bushes, plants, popup canopy, for the free-range hens to snooze/dive under from aerial predators. The chickens are savvy to hide but need places constructed to hide under. I like rosebushes because they are hardy in hot climates. Aerial predators avoid hiding chickens. Chickens love to forage but don't necessarily feel comfortable in an open field without some cover.
#3 - Our chickens free-range all day and only use the coop to lay their eggs and roost for the night. We only keep water on the pen floor 24-7 but both feed and water outside for the free-range hens. Keeping feed inside the coop or pen just invites rodents or bugs as we discovered our first year of backyard chickens.
#4 - You can do as you wish about this one. I prefer just keeping a dirt floor because my girls don't use the coop except to lay eggs or roost for the night. Some people like shavings or chips or straw but it's too messy for me to keep cleaning the scattered stuff. We just rake up the dirt floor to salvage the poops for the compost pile.

As you'll find out everyone's situation is different and what works for one may not be expedient for another. Good luck and absolutely love the playhouse - I mean, coop!

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