post your chicken coop pictures here!

Brand new to chickens. I'm raising 6 meat birds, and think that even though they'll be dinner in 4 more weeks, they may as well have the best chicken life I can allow them to have. Today they got a new pen and coop. Well, coop may be stretching it, but I already have plans for mods for when I do this again! In the meantime I'm breaking apart my pallets and planning for the layers.

My husband over-engineered a dog house that the dogs NEVER used. This is almost perfect and 6 birds will fit fine. There's even a little roost in there for the chickies. I propped the roof open with a 2x4 for ventilation. Hopefully no raccoons will visit. The chickens have been overnighting up to tonight in a pen in the shed with the doors shut. I have a feeling tonight will be restless.

Kittie in NC

Your meat chickies won't be around long to worry about amenities for them. Just keep them out of reach of crows or predators as my friend lost 2 Cornish Crosses to crows killing the juvies right through the wire. Those chickies are so listless that they don't move fast enough to get out of harm's way. My friend won't raise them again. She says her 6-month EE cockerels dress out just as big as the Cornish X and have more taste. She says the Cornish X are bland and have to be marinated 24 hrs before cooked otherwise a bit flavorless. And the poor chickies grow so abnormally fast their skeletal frame and internal organs can't keep up with their fast muscle growth and will limp or crawl and sometimes can't move 10 feet to a waterer and dehydrate. Really sad.

Prop the coop on skids or legs off the ground. Rain will soak in and rodents will chew their way in if left on the dirt. Lift it high enough that free-ranging hens can sit or hide under it.

Love the repurposed doghouse. We recycled one as an outdoor shelter for our ranging hens along with low-lean-to shelters, popup canopy, rosebushes, plants, for them to snooze/hide under from aerial predators. I can't believe how expensive doghouse are - love the one you have!
We will be repurposing an old play house into a coop too, so am really interested in how yours works. I think chicken fever has set in, because everything I look at gets a mental evaluation for possible chicken use!

Welcome to the club of chicken thinkers! All of us think chicken wherever we go!

Coop is 4 x 6 x 6' high, and the attached run is 4 x 8'. There are two roosts, one 4' and one 3' and 3 nest boxes. I have 5 chickens.


These are the dimensions we have for 4 chickens with 2 more layers to add by next Spring. Our hens just use the coop to lay eggs or roost for the night since they free-range the rest of the day. Our coop/pen was too low to the ground so we raised it up on paver stones and then made a complete paver walkway 3 feet wide all around the coop/pen to deter rodents or digging predators. It paid off when a German Shepherd and his mutt friend broke down our fence gate and chewed and clawed at our coop. Glad we had the stones to prevent them from digging under.

Love your coop name!

Here is my coop with out the run attached. I used the Purina layout, but changed a few things to meet my needs. I changed the nesting box from the front to the side and only added 2 boxes instead of 3. I added a 12' run off of the front plus the 4' underneath giving them 16'x4' run. They also get to free range for a few hours a day.

Here is my coondog in the coop before the girls arrived. He was just checking things out!

And here are some of the girls on their first day. I have had them a month now and they seem to like their new home.

Cute and roomy coop. Hope you have enough roof overhanging the nestboxes. We quickly realized we needed shelter over the egg collection door the first time we stood in the rain!
We just finished the coop and none of y'all better laugh either.

Why would I laugh! I want one in MY yard!

As I've shared before with others you might like to extend the roof line over the nestboxes to avoid standing in the rain at egg collection time.

Beautiful house. It looks like a mini-barn!
Here is ours. Just finishing it up. We are about 95% complete. I built this from plans I downloaded from downeast thunder farms website.


Beautifully decorated.

Of course as previously stated I always recommend an extended roofline or an awning at the very least over the nestbox egg collection. We realized this quickly after our first walk to collect the eggs in the rain. Those are a lot of nests to get wet from runoff when the lid is opened.

If you ever free-range your chickens you'll need to cover up the area under the coop as chickens will crawl under there and they'll never want to come out - especially broody ones!

Us oldsters are wondering if the 5% that needs completion are the paver stones or bricks or rocks to go around the pen or is the wire buried into the ground against digging predators? We set our coop/pen on paver stones and made a 3-ft wide paver walkway around the coop/pen and it kept a stray German Shepherd and his mutt friend from digging under.

This was at 90% completion. Made mostly from reclaimed materials and old barn wood. The coop is 4x4 and the run is 16x4. We have 6 pullets. We did not buy plans, just stuck with a basic idea.
It's not as fancy as some of the others, but the girls are not too high maintenance.

I'm sure whatever you end up with it will be great!
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This was at 90% completion. Made mostly from reclaimed materials and old barn wood. The coop is 4x4 and the run is 16x4. We have 6 pullets. We did not buy plans, just stuck with a basic idea.
It's not as fancy as some of the others, but the girls are not too high maintenance.

I'm sure whatever you end up with it will be great!

Cute, what a fun color!

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