post your chicken coop pictures here!

oh no girl next door just called she had a fox right on her step at the back door, hubby just took trap over to them, i just hope we made the coop good so it can not get in there

If you used paver stones or cinderblocks around the outside perimeter of your chicken pen and under your gate entrance then that should keep a fox from digging under the fence. They are great diggers once they are motivated by the smell of chicken!
Sorry.. I'm in the sweltering mobile Alabama area... It's not as hot as some places but it's still heat index over 105...

I'm in SoCal and the weather here is so humid that it stresses my Ameraucana (my avatar) which is a breed that takes cold temps way better than these muggy days. The two Silkies are great in hot or cold weather but this mugginess is getting to them too - panting all day. We have the Orbit Mister under the yard canopy going all day long and they sit under it most of the time.
Made from all reclaim wood. It's 4' x4'

Read my post #4878 in this thread and that will explain why I offer the following suggestions. Cover that cheap 1-inch poultry wire under the coop with some 1/2 inch hardwire. Poultry wire is not interlinked and comes apart from itself with the predator's slightest pressure. Critters will seek the easiest entrance and that poultry wire is it. Nearly lost my flock to cheap poultry wire so never again!

To keep out digging critters I suggest paver stones or property boulders around the base of your pen's fence and under the gate if your fence wire is not buried in the ground to keep out digging wildlife. You've got a lot of trees around you where the climbing and aerial predators hide out. Rural areas have aerial predators, weasels, wild rabbits, snakes, foxes, coyotes, wild pigs, skunks, bobcats, raccoons, oppossums, stray dogs and cats, rodents, besides the usual deer and occasional bears or mountain lions. My daughter's city property butts up against a wildlife preserve and bobcats and coyotes are regular visitors with some years having a mountain lion or bear trot through. You never knew you had such wildlife surrounding you until the chickens bring them out of hiding.

Love the recycled materials coop. Just secure the fencing sturdier/more secure from predators and I'll breathe easier for your chickens' safety
will this is the best way a fox should be
even if they get in the yard the chickens are locked in coop at night, but this friends came around before dark, we had just closed things up when guy from next door called to say one was on deck, you beleave he chewed he baby/s playset, and toys in the yard just like a dog would
Start tearing your walls down and maybe he'll pitch in to get the kitchen done?

We had a wall start smoldering from electrical wiring in our den and it's a good thing the den door was closed to keep the putrid smoldering within the room - if the door was open and there was more oxygen the wall would've gone up in flames.  At that point we hired a contractor to redo all the wiring and pipes in the house and redo the 60-year-old kitchen while he was at it :yesss:

To late.. We ripped the wall down a year ago... I FELL through the kitchen floor!!! He put cardboard over it and duck taped it...
Here's ours. It's a shed conversion.

We redid the roof and put up OSB. Also rebuilt the roosts.

We added a built in brooder box

And of course a new run that our 12 girls just love.


Made from all reclaim wood. It's 4' x4'
Have posted this pict many times because it was impressed on my brain in a terrible way. My son used chicken wire trying to get a run up quickly..(military), but I needed to go up to take care of grands. The next grands found where something had gotten thru the wire. He had put up chicken wire over hog wire....didn't work and they lost 6-8 (I don't remember exactly) young pullets! I will never used chicken wire on anything unless its over the too of the run.


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