post your chicken coop pictures here!

Thank you. We are in the high desert so precipitation isn't a huge issue. And we did overhang the metal roof front and back so hope that will be sufficient.

Great - large roof overhangs are wonderful for so many reasons and if anchored securely from high winds.
Are you planning to free-range or have an outdoor pen?
We get The Santa Anas too.... Sometimes the wind blows so hard the screens scream so loud its hard to have a conversation. The carports in the picture were all steel no PVC... Have to be because of my horse.... She messes with stuff... Big ole wiggly upper lip.... LOL. She was born on a big Percheron Farm in Sandy Idaho... and till she came to me was always in the heiarchy of a herd. I have watched her she is an Alpha.... And has deadly aim with all fours. One time she was blowing off steam in a round pen while I was training her and she punched a Size five hoof print right through 1/2 inch thick plywood. The "divot" landed a good fifteen feet away.

Here horses are not on the menue.... especially ones who dont run when confronted. For those who dont know Percherons are the size of a Budweiser Clydesdale... Size five foot is small for a draft horse... Riding horses feet are usually range from around a Zero to a one.

Her pipe corral is completely open.... I worry more about feral dogs... A fox may come up to drink out of her waterer but keep passing on through.

My high desert is about the same as San Diego in temperature.... but about half the humidity. And half the precipitation. WE do get about 72 hours worth of snow. Katee Wuvvs snow... One year it snowed so much it collapsed several shelters in the area including Katees All metal one.... The second one I tried. No Cross bracing... My fault. Lesson learned.

I have never used the carports for chicken enclosures or shelters.... but I do have enough undamaged components to put together one. Covered in metal and cross braced and anchored to the ground in some fashion.


My Pops always had draft horses - no Clydesdales though. The last big one he had was on the farm when I was a toddler so I never got any pictures of Pops with him. I have an old photo from the 1920's though of him with a big one - only one I have with a horse!

Your girl sounds like a winner and an Alpha to boot! Best kind to have!

Loose dogs are my worst nightmare along with Raccoons! I hate them both. Peope walk their pooches on leashes and I don't mind because our gate is far from the walkway. It's the loose strays that are a nuisance to the neighborhood. We're so glad the German Shepherd owner is moved away - she was the worst irresponsible owner on the block!

We have 8 chickens and the coop that we have is getting too small for my chicas.. So we are working on the new coop!!!.. We are going to use a natal shed as a coop and we are going to have a run area. . The first pic is how I picture my cup to b look at the end. . So hopefully we can make it. . The coop will be 8×6 and the run well be 9×6..
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We have 8 chickens and the coop that we have is getting too small for my chicas.. So we are working on the new coop!!!.. We are going to use a natal shed as a coop and we are going to have a run area. . The first pic is how I picture my cup to b look at the end. . So hopefully we can make it. . The coop will be 8×6 and the run well be 9×6..
Your coop size will be sufficient, but the run? Your run at 9' x 6' equals 54 square feet, and is way too small for 8 birds, especially if they are standard or large breeds. If possible you might want to re-think the run size....JMHO.
what will be a good size for the run? Thanks for the info? ..
Some would say 10 square feet per chicken, but I'd say, build it as big as you can afford and fit. Ideally, I'd want about 50 square feet per bird, if the birds will be locked up all the time. If they get to free range outside the run, you can have significantly less, but still, the bigger the better.

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