post your chicken coop pictures here!

Can't tell from photos but does your pen have bird netting over it? My 7-lb Marans easily flew out of a 7-ft tall enclosure. We got a big roll of bird netting from Lowe's - it comes in all sizes and does a good job of keeping out the lice-infested wild birds out of the pen.
Put a bench or a plywood plank on cinderblocks in the pen so the hens have a place to snooze/hide under during midday. Hens spend all their time outside the coop except to lay their eggs or roost and they love little hiding places.
I hope your DD has many years to enjoy her chickens. I loved growing up on a farm with livestock!
Baby girl has plenty of time to enjoy her new chick chicks.

What a nice BF!  Jazzy design!
Don't know your dimensions but Brahmas can get up to 9-lb hens and you'll need to be moving that tractor around lots to keep them busy - or else provide some daily backyard open free-range time for the hens.  That's a nice tractor for 2 hens but 4 large dual purpose birds may require more space for foraging.
Brahmas are beautiful birds and gentle for LF.  Post some pics of your birds in their new digs!
Thanks! I am going to let them roam free most of the time. I didn't set out to have 4 big girls however I was informed at least one probably wouldn't make it because they were so young. My chicks are getting huge they are 4 weeks I believe. More pics to come!
I have to say that there are some nice coops out there. Ours pales in comparison, but it serves the purpose...and I've never built anything in my life. We, my wife and I, thought we'd save some money by using an old plastic shed that was onsite when we bought our house. However, as the construction progressed, one mod led to another until we had our final product. please see below: We started out by placing our posts for the façade, cutting holes for ventilation, and framing them in with hardware cloth, 2" screws, and 1x4's Next we added the T-11 for the new exterior. A hawk came by to check out his new fast food joint. Tried out some paint Added the roof Chose a color we liked better, and started adding the run. Added the poop boards and roosts, we wanted them all on the same level.
Wow! Great conversion! Clever and very attractive.
It's ok if the dog THINKS he's a chicken and doesn't EAT the chickens!  One BYCer had their dog and cat friendly with chickens for 7 years and then came home one time to find the pets had broken into the chicken pen and killed all the flock - so sad!

So true... I thought that my roo was about to be dinner yesterday... My dog was swishing her tail around and that bird was chasing it like a cat!!!! Then he stuck his head next to my dogs mouth and she licks his head... He was a little ruffled after that lol... :gig
I have to say that there are some nice coops out there. Ours pales in comparison, but it serves the purpose...and I've never built anything in my life. We, my wife and I, thought we'd save some money by using an old plastic shed that was onsite when we bought our house. However, as the construction progressed, one mod led to another until we had our final product. please see below:

I think your coop looks great.

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