post your chicken coop pictures here!

Your doggie was taking a sample taste test!

It's funny that a chicken will voluntarily stand chest-deep in muddy water but just don't YOU be the one to get him wet!

I had an Old Boston Bulldogge (foundation breed for future Boston Terriers) and a Border Collie with the same colorings as your doggie.  I love dogs with white-tip tails although my personal preference is for males over females.

No matter how friendly I still wouldn't trust a dog around chickens.  An animal is an animal is an animal and sometimes dogs just can't resist chomping on an easy bird.  Our Rotties were sweet as pie but when we weren't around they would kill the gentle Mourning Doves.  We were able to train them on everything including halting on command when chasing a cat but we couldn't break them from the birds  :barnie

Sorry to hear about the doves... We plan to put up a privacy fence and set up a pin for the dog... Better separated than dinner....
There are some really nice coops out there .
What I had work ok in the beginning but BOY did they grow!!!
I had to upgrade for the girls!
Before: old rabbit hutch with add on's .

Now we have this!

I'll let mother nature weather it for me.
They seem to like it. I do not see any one out when it gets dark.

This is my first time being a chicken mom! My boyfriend made me this coop. Its Mobil on wheels. I'll be housing 4 buff brahamas
Cute as a button!!!. I'm out of Shreveport.
as much as I love our girls and guy ( 15 production reds and a RR Rooster) their purpose in life is to feed my family, when a hawk got one of the girls she went in the freezer. who am I to deprive her of her purpose in life. eggs or legs its all good. ( I do understand the sentiment though, it did bother me that she died)
Good to have you. That's a very healthy outlook on farming life.
Whoa!! Someone is a artist. Super!
Thank you!

Love your Boston Terrier avatar! I had an Old Boston Bulldogge that looked like your Boston - except of course the OBBD has floppy rather than erect ears. Very rare to find OBBD's today.
That is Ruby, she is 3. Very cute, her nickname is Tub Tub because she is so fat. haha
We also another BT named Beatrix, a Black pug named Ferdinand and a mutt named Clementine. Not to mention 2 cats, Claus and Steven French AND 2 aquariums 1 saltwater, 1 freshwater. NOW 8 little girls too!!!
I'm not sure I even know what a Old Boston Bull Dog is... Goggling now.

That is seriously some of the best ideas I've ever seen. Outstanding.
Thank you so much! Most, if not all the ideas came from members here at BYC!
Can you tell I hate irresponsible dog owners?

So with you. In the past month my friends and I have found, rescued, and rehomed 3 dogs (one w/a broken leg that required major vet bills) and just yesterday yet another loose dog (GSD) found her way to my BFF's porch. She has a microchip, but the number it's registered to isn't her owner and says this this the third time in a year he's gotten calls like this. I've always had dogs, but I would never allow them to run loose, bark, or otherwise annoy my neighbours.
I love this many great ideas and my mind just spins when I read about everyone's coops and their ideas. I begin wondering how I can/could improve mine or how I might could winterize mine better.
This is the first winter with my new coop and I worry that they handle the cold without any problem. This is also their first winter but I'm just being too motherly!

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