post your chicken coop pictures here!


Can't tell from the photo but is the wire buried down into the ground to keep out digging predators? If not then a paver stone walkway around the base of the pen/coop will discourage digging critters. Stray dogs and raccoons are our worst pests and having a paver stone patio around the coop perimeter saved our hens!
Looks like a Muscovy shellduck.  (Moscovy apparently aren't classified as a duck but as a shellduck -- the difference? darned if I know!)  They come in more than one color.  I was considering getting Muscovies because they are noiseless but I found they didn't lay that many eggs a year and are a very large bird to feed -- the drakes have huge red noses but the ducks are smaller. 

Welsh Harlequin ducks are a bit less noisy than other duck breeds and good layers at only about 4[SUP]1/2[/SUP] lbs.  Cayuga black ducks are also fairly calm laying charcoal/black eggs but are bigger birds.  Maybe I'll have ducks someday but for now the chickens keep me busy.

Thanks... :thumbsup

I'm trying to find his home... My husband said leave him be and he will leave by himself... I've printed a few fliers and posted them at the local feed store and the tractor supply store today...
I'm a total novice and love learning. Educate me on how to make water. I'm probably gonna buy a grandpas feeder. My hens arrive the end of February.

I'm getting tired of feeding all the wildlife around here! I have to bird-net my raised garden beds just to keep the flying critters from eating my veggies!
With our new coop I plan to get a chicken treadle feeder and also 2@ Brite Tap Nipple Waterers so the wild birds aren't contaminating the chicken water bowl:
I'm a total novice and love learning. Educate me on how to make water. I'm probably gonna buy a grandpas feeder. My hens arrive the end of February.

How to make water:
Combine two parts Hydrogen atoms with 1 part Oxygen atoms, add sufficient energy to combine. Quantity of each depends on how much water you want to make

There are tons of ideas on providing water for your chickens on BYC - search the forums.

re: Grandpa's feeder - HOLY MOLY $195 for the small one?????? OUCH. Are you or anyone you know decently handy with wood working? There are several plans to make your own treadle feeder here and elsewhere on the web. Not overly complicated as far as wood working goes. Heck, if they are still teaching wood shop in middle/Jr High school, maybe you can convince the teacher or one of the kids to decide that is the project they should work on. Tell them you will be happy to pay for the supplies for one of them and there are probably plenty of other chicken "farmers" in town that would like one as well.
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I just bought one. Yes, I could have made one out of wood, but it wouldn't have been water-proof and weather resistant like the Grandpa's Feeder. And yes, there's a cheaper model from some carpentry shop, but I've seen complaints about its quality/sturdiness, and again, it is specifically NOT water-proof like the Grandpa's Feeder is. I'm not saying anyone NEEDS to spend that kind of money, but if you have specific goals in mind, sometimes it's worth spending the money (and yes, I know it's a privilege to be in a position where I can make that choice).

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