post your chicken coop pictures here!

Howdy Sylvester017

I love all the varied perceptions in BYC!

I note your comment on the Crows keeping the Hawks away and have heard this is the past.

Crows here are not to be trusted .. they will steal eggs, food and chicks! I only have bantam chickens, some of which are about the size of an adult Crow. The Crows have never bothered my adults but I am very wary of them around chicks and adolescents.

I saw a Crow corner a juvenile, fully feathered Dove in my back garden, pin him down and proceed to try and eat him alive. I rescued the Dove.

Granted, just this morning, a Crow attacked a Stork that thought it was going to have one of my goldfish for breakfast and I am grateful but I will never trust them. The Stork was a lot bigger than one of my gals and the Crow had no qualms in attacking it.

Besides fruits, nuts, molluscs, earthworms, seeds, frogs, mice and carrion, other favourites of the Crow are eggs, nestlings and birds.

It is not uncommon to find large, meaty bones in the garden or on the driveway, usually a spinal disc of some large animal, cow etc. I believe the Crows are stealing them from the neighbours dogs and leaving them as a warning .. lol.

Crows apparently remember people and if the person has been good or bad towards them; they tattle to all their crow friends:

Not the best picture but you get the idea .. it is not out of the ordinary to have 15 or more Crows hanging around.

Sometimes I feel like I am living a remake of Birds!
Those look pretty big to be crows... If you happen to watch them in flight note the shape of the tail. Crows have squared off tails... Ravens have rounded tails.

Ravens are bigger than crows almost chicken sized with almost six foot wing span

there are social differences too.... both live in family flocks.... But ravens flocks are usually no more than 20 individiuals.... Crows on the other hand I have personally seen over 200.

Here is an article about Corvids in Australia... Corvids inculde Crows Ravens Jays Magpies or Grackles

I personally have had a crow fly ahead of my car along the road eyeing me by swinging his head from side to side holding a nut in his beak... With perfect timing he dropped that nut and flapped up and wheeled to reverse dropping down to the road behind me to consume its contents.

Ravens are even smarter.

After further reading I found out that Austrailan Crows and Ravens are different from Northern Hemisphere Corvids... but not by much....

Yep they steal and eat chicks and other critters they can catch or clean up as in Carrion... But I feed em my extra eggs on the roof of the coop.... There is a small flock that lives in the big rocks on my property....

I think being aware of their nature and characteristics is a good way to keep your chickens safe and live in harmony.

Just a simple coop and run for my silkies. Just got started and done with it this past weekend. I call it Casa De La Silkie
Cute fluffy Silkie butt!

We were surprised how quickly our two Silkies adapted to free-ranging after we realized our little 4x6 coop wasn't big enough to keep them busy all day. They are so much hardier than we realized. They are 4 years free-ranging the backyard now but we provide a lot of spaced shelters around the yard for them to snooze/hide under. The Cooper's Hawk visits frequently every Spring but the girls are too smart hiding from her. We have a popup canopy, a couple low lean-to's, and we're up to 4 recycled doghouses now filled with straw. They dive into these houses to hide. If a hawk visits early in the day the girls will stay inside their coop and not chance coming out unless we're out there too. We love the comical entertaining Silkies and even my DH says he can't imagine a flock without them.

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