post your chicken coop pictures here!

Anyone who hasn't viewed this OUTSTANDING video by pbarr86 sure to!!!! OUTSTANDING!!

Awwww shucks, Thank you....
This was the result of the wife wanting chickens and me wanting to build something... as always I want to thank MrSteamyKitchen and "The Palace" when I first was trying to figure out what I wanted to build "The Palace" was my favorite
I won't buy chicken any more. The Cornish X is probably 99% of the inhumanely raised fowl found in supermarkets and restaurants. It's possible to raise Cornish X organically and on grass but by 6 to 8 weeks old are so deformed with split bones and torn muscles because of their too-fast growth. It's man's cruel designer breeding that's the culprit moreso than how the Cornish X are raised. The poor things are so lame or heavy they can't walk 10 feet to their water and die of thirst. I blame the American public for buying these birds in the market because as long as they and restaurant suppliers keep buying the market chicken, the inhumane poultry industry will keep breeding the deformed birds. Mary's Chickens will probably only be found in health food stores or markets that are known organic sellers. Probably cost way more than Cornish X commercial chicken but it's a way to make a statement buying her chickens over the supermarket junk.
We just raise regular chickens and butcher them. They're not all gross looking and they are healthier, and we can butcher as we need them instead of having to do a mass butcher all at once. I prefer fresh meat anyhow!!!

I do agree things are getting better, and it is reassuring. I think part of it is just a lack of education/information. If people really knew what was going on they might not tolerate it so much. Of course, that's true with much of our food, isn't it? How commercial cows and pigs are raised and butchered is also horrific. I just don't understand.....unless it's greed. "Give me more for less and I don't care how you get it there" know?? The same goes for fabric, often now made in a chemically-laden factory by people who don't earn a living wage and are exploited by the business owners as well as the companies they make the fabric for....


I am new to having backyard chickens, and wanted to build my own coop out of pallets and found materials. I've never built anything before, but I've gotten pretty handy repairing things at my job. So anywho, here is the finished product! A pallet coop with a fenced in run for my 4 six-week-old RIR ladies!

Here's the inside - two nest boxes and some food, water and chick grit. And shavings of course! :)

Let me know what you think! It's my pride and joy! I moved the chicks out there yesterday and I'm having a bit of "empty nest syndrome" (wakka wakka.)
I am new to having backyard chickens, and wanted to build my own coop out of pallets and found materials. I've never built anything before, but I've gotten pretty handy repairing things at my job. So anywho, here is the finished product! A pallet coop with a fenced in run for my 4 six-week-old RIR ladies!

Here's the inside - two nest boxes and some food, water and chick grit. And shavings of course! :)

Let me know what you think! It's my pride and joy! I moved the chicks out there yesterday and I'm having a bit of "empty nest syndrome" (wakka wakka.)
Good going. All set up and ready. (wakka wakka) Love it
Nice job. It's hard to tell in the pics...Does your coop have a door on it? Did your bury the wire so that predators can't get in? I'm getting ready to build a pallet coop also.
Nice job. It's hard to tell in the pics...Does your coop have a door on it? Did your bury the wire so that predators can't get in? I'm getting ready to build a pallet coop also.

The coop has a chicken door (front) and human door (side) both of which can be locked. The wire is anchored to the ground around every 8 inches or so using metal spikes that I drove into the dirt and affixed to the fence using wire. It cost me less than $70 for this whole project! :)

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