post your chicken coop pictures here!

not to worried about grass. But from a cleaning standpoint i would like to just move it to a new patch of grass instead of getting in there an cleaning it
Hi Sylvester!

Yes I agree the run is too small to keep them in all of the time. I'm going to see about extending the run and they will get daily trips out in the garden. I'm going to see about having another 'run' or two in the backyard where they can scratch and move about without me having to keep one eye to the sky for hawks. Maybe two light weight runs that are easy to move about....we will see...

Glad you like the coop...I think it looks like a little Chalet and will complement my Pilates Chalet very well

For 3 years we've free-ranged the chickens in our small backyard and for 3 years the Cooper's Hawk (usually only one per season since they are territorial) likes to sit on the fence or fly low over our head to check out the yard. We have a wildbird feeder to keep the wildbirds out of the chicken feed so the Hawk likes the easier Mourning Doves and Sparrows to catch in mid-air. That's usually how Hawks like to get prey - fly over them and catch them midair in their claws.

Well our girls are old and wise. We've set up low-to-the-ground lean-to's around the yard against fences and against building walls and even an old thrift store doghouse for the chickens to dive under whenever they see the Hawk. We also have a 10x10 popup canopy the girls like to forage under and near impossible for the Hawk to get flying lift under the canopy. When the shelters are low to the ground it makes it impossible for Hawks to get at the chickens. Good to have 4 or 5 chickens in a flock to deter a wily Hawk. For not having a rooster the hens have done pretty well keeping themselves safe. I owe it all to the spacing of several low shelters for them. I wish I had a video camera to catch 3 hens diving all at once into the same doghouse on one of the Hawk's many visits. Trees are not as safe as low shelters and low bushes for the hens to hide or snooze under during the day. Not having trees also keeps the sky clear for chicken vision.
finally finished my chicken tractor. Well the tractor part is still in the works, still trying to figure that part out. 4x4 coop, with a 4x12 run. My understanding is it should be good for my 4 barred rocks.

Barred Rocks are great as pullets. They get a bit peckish as adults in small spaces. Chickens are a foraging mobile creature so plan to keep them moving around or free-range them. They get quite large and don't do that well in an established space as older hens. We've had RIR, BR, Doms, Marans, Legs, Ameraucanas and lots of space is crucial for foraging creatures. Even our little Silkies cruise the free-range yard perimeter several times a day.

That is quite a project undertaking. Most people would be pooped after the 4x4 coop let alone that roomy tractor run. Very nice.
i would like to at some point let them free range while i am outside. We live next to a park so there are dogs around and also a fox that likes to roam around. One worry i have is if i had to go in/out, how would i get them all to go back in the coop/run. I got them at 20 weeks so i am not sure there is some type of bond there yet.
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Mine is just a little coop as I only have two hens. I'm a first time chicken owner and I never thought I'd love a chicken as much as I do my two girls!! What GREAT pets.. So sweet, so much fun to watch. I'm just in love with my "girls"!!!! Btw, my first picture was taken when the coop was first finished. I then added my "art" and decorated it. I think my husband did an AWESOME job building me this coop for my "girls"!!
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Mine is just a little coop as I only have two hens. I'm a first time chicken owner and I never thought I'd love a chicken as much as I do my two girls!! What GREAT pets.. So sweet, so much fun to watch. I'm just in love with my "girls"!!!! Btw, my first picture was taken when the coop was first finished. I then added my "art" and decorated it. I think my husband did an AWESOME job building me this coop for my "girls"!!
That looks great, DarleneE! I'm sure your girls will be very happy there :)
Mine is just a little coop as I only have two hens. I'm a first time chicken owner and I never thought I'd love a chicken as much as I do my two girls!! What GREAT pets.. So sweet, so much fun to watch. I'm just in love with my "girls"!!!! Btw, my first picture was taken when the coop was first finished. I then added my "art" and decorated it. I think my husband did an AWESOME job building me this coop for my "girls"!!
That is too cute! :)

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