post your chicken coop pictures here!

Almost done building the coop! Happy Chickens!
Pretty build! My suggestion is not to fill it with more than 4 or 5 hens max if they don't get free-range time. Chickens love to roam and forage and lovely as that pen is it will be limited to just a small amount of confined hens. Beautiful ventilated pen!
No there paw paws there a type of fruit :)
and yes the coop is very good it doesn't get very cold where i live it's actually mostly quite warm especially this time of year.
In The Netherlands, raccoons and 'possums are generally not found (species found primarily in the US) so no worries. Stray cats etc. are not likely to find my chickens, because the back garden is closed off by buildings and almost impossible to get in to, even for cats. Cats are also very well taken care of here, we have a service that picks up stray animals and you never see one. I agree that there is always a chance of something getting at them, but after 3 years they are still alive, so let's hope for the best!
My girls are silkie bantams and, even if they are supplied with one, don't like to perch at night. This is (apparently) normal behaviour for silkies. They just sit together on the floor, so I make sure the bedding is nice and clean. I thought about adding extra ventilation, but the climate here is very mild, and with the door open they get enough fresh air. The roof doesn't completely seal so that also creates some airflow.
I appreciate your concerns, but after having a bigger coop for 2 years, I had enough time to think what the coop should be like. It has been excellent up to now and the girls love the extra space they have!
Thanks Sylvester!
I have an area for them to free range...I have an enclosed yard for them. I have two Spangeled Orpingtons, Two Chocolate Orpingtons, and a little Silkie. I would like to get two Lemon Orpies or White and call it a day. Thank you for the nice comments!

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