post your chicken coop pictures here!


This was my start up coop. I now have 10 birds and I think they will out grow it very soon. I also turned my little girls old dresser drawer into the laying box
My coop is coming along. I got the inside done

And Most of the outside

By now I have the the awning And tin on Just missing the ridge cap and rakes.(don't have a picture of that) Also need to finish siding the front.
My coop is coming along. I got the inside done And Most of the outside . By now I have the the awning And tin on Just missing the ridge cap and rakes.(don't have a picture of that) Also need to finish siding the front.
Very nice. Looks like they are settling right in. We are also in the progress of building our second much larger coop. It's fun to watch and see what everyone is doing. Thanks for sharing.
Update on the progress of our new chickie coop. It is way beyond anything I had ever dreamed of. My hubby is amazing. He's been listening to everything I keep showing him and saying "isn't this cool". Still have some trim work to do on the outside and lots on the inside, but it's coming along.

I think the ramp is pretty steep. How do you plan to enforce the "face forward" rule while they roost? I suspect you'll have as much poop on the floor in front of the roost bars as on the poop boards.

Ok... Anybody ever use PVC pipe as the frame work for the run? I'm thinking it would be light enough to move, durable enough to hold in bad weather but flexible enough to bend with hard winds... Use standard pipe 1/2" and 10' long... Make the run 10' x10' at 6' tall...
I'll break it for support every 3' and use T joint couplings for the frame. Tie straps to keep the wire on it, and 3' tall hardware cloth for critter protection... Forget the husband and his ideas.... I've yet to see the fruits of said ideas...

1/2" PVC isn't going to be nearly strong enough. And it will get brittle with time.

Um is that vertically sawn (therefore most likely sawn before the Civil War) board there???? Beautiful.

If he hits you again?!?!?!
Are you serious?
What is wrong with that "man" of yours?
As soon as I saw you being attacked, that roo would have been headless within 5 minutes! He would have already been making soup! No stick, no coddling, no picking up and hanging upside down (except to let the last bit of blood drain out), no tennis racket, NO EXCUSES! Haven't you had enough of
<---this yet?

I am with LS. The axe needs to hit a neck or two and the rooster's neck comes second. The bird doesn't need an "again". Kill it now. And I do not say this lightly because I'd put as much effort as possible into not killing an animal "just because" but this roo has gone WAY WAY WAY past his probation period.

Glad I'm not alone in the
I am sick of it... We wanted a roo to protect the girls from predators and maybe make a few babies but every time I mention hatching some my husband says I should be happy... A week later he will be talking about raising 40-50 meat birds..... Then he will decide No... He wants to add a turkey or two... Then he says that he's changed his mind. Finally he said he was going to build a new coop and run for better protection...

I almost think he's bipolar lol... I know what I want...
The evil rooster in a pot, a few more hens of different variety to add a splash of color to my flock, and a safe place for my girls to run, sleep and lay eggs that my kids can help me collect every day that does NOT include me climbing a 3' step ladder, crawling into the coop that's only 4.5' x4' x 3.5' tall..... Just to get the eggs...

Stupid tree that fell last year is the cause of that woe... Crushed our almost completed coop setting us back on supplies and leaving us a cramped coop design...

Once we get the new one build I'm going to take this one off the stand, remove the nest boxes, place on a concert slab and let the dog use it as her house ... Lol

I'm no shrink but I think that bipolar comment may not be far off. It sounds like he has some mental stability issues.

Here is the inside of our new coop. We bought a 8'x12' shed and the back 4 feet will be the coop and they other 8 feet for storage. It was more cost efficient than building from scratch or buying a premade coop. Right now we have 4 hens, a rooster and 7 chicks. So we will have a total of 12 in this coop. Probably going to add another roosting limb when the babies get bigger and attach the nesting boxes on the wall so there is more ground space.

4' x 8' for the coop with 12 chickens and 8' x 8' for storage??? You got that calculation backward. 8' x 8' is not much more than minimum for that many birds. 4' x 8' is minimum for 8 birds unless they are out of the coop all day every day.

Why are your pics just ads?

Because you quoted a post that is over 3 years old. The pictures are gone so all you get are "found the site, don't have the pictures, here look at some ads".

It is best to not quote posts more than a week or two old especially in very active forums.
Well, our Cove Products Chicken Condos Mobile Barn Coop w/Run arrived today after 4 scheduled but delayed delivery appts by the SAIA shipping company. There was over 700 lbs of pieces on the wooden construction crate (a large 8-ft CRATE - not a dinky pallet) and it took the driver, my DH, and myself (3 people!) to unload the coop pieces one at a time off the truck. My DH tin-snipped the metal straps and he and the driver moved each piece from the crate to the liftgate to dollies to get them into our garage. The coop walls and dog kennel wire panels were especially heavy but will be wonderfully sturdy once assembled. Whew! Lots of damaged and missing pieces and now to go through a claim process for lost/missing pieces. Wish us luck!

As I suspected the outside shed material is sturdy on the coop but the inside lining is particle board so we've got a lot of sealing/painting to do before we can assemble the parts which should be easy once we receive the replacement pieces. Both flimsy chicken ramps arrived broken and unuseable, 7@ roosting bars were not in the crate, one wire kennel panel was dented like a section had been boot-kicked hard, one out of 4 sliding tray support bar hooks was dented, and one Predator Eyes Light is missing. The 2@ chicken treadle feeders are in good condition and we can't wait to train the old hens to adjust to new feeders. Training them to nipple valve waterers took a little over a week so it will be interesting to see how long the treadle feeders take.

Considering the crate came from Colorado and SAIA drove around 4 days with our shipment before finally delivering I guess some damage was expected. Most people who have assembled DIY kits from coop or shed companies all seem to get some pieces damaged or missing so I'm just glad the main coop walls are in good shape. The missing pieces on the other hand will delay our final coop assembly.
Another 10 hour day.

The projects just never stop! The poop boards are up. The roosts are up. The nest box is installed. Everything is painted and sealed. The divider bar for the floor is down.

The roost ladder is done, but needs painted, and hung.

The outdoor ramp needs built and painted.

The oyster shell, and grit tubes need installed.

Then the run... ugh the run.


The runs are always the most expensive part and time consuming because of the need to make them securely predator-proof. Because of the expense and hours of work we chose to invest in easy-to-assemble powder-coated kennel walls as a separate run plus another powder-coated kennel run attached to the new coop. We would've ordered the powder-coated predator-proof skirting too if we were not already setting the coop on a paver stone patio. This is our last coop. If it doesn't work then shame, shame on us because I'm pooped with the ordeal of a new coop. It holds up to 15 hens but we're only zoned for 5 so this should work. It certainly looks a 1000% better than our first coop. These chickens will never lay enough eggs to pay for their new home!
Security for your own flock is the key point so who cares what the neighbors are doing - as long as they're ok with your flock then they'll ok for you! Do you ever trim their overgrowth coming onto your property?

They're okay with our flock, but I doubt they ever see it! They won't even go onto their back verandah out of fear of spiders. All it took was seeing one of our Aussie spiders twenty years ago, and that's it - won't touch anything green. I've been tempted to tell them several times that our massive spiders prefer to live in houses, and are pest-eaters, but I honestly believe it would merely terrify them.

Yep, we do! All the time, actually - it's everything from noxious weeds to poisonous plants, etc. They're just kind of helpless. I'm a city person, and I hate leeches, but even I'll go out to get stuff done.

About our kissing gate - it is very like one. However we have three areas in a 'Y', and the gate swings between the two chicken runs - it locks one run, and opens the other, while always allowing entrance to the third coop area. It means we can direct the chickens to go where we want, so every few months I can change the run and grow veggies in the poop-run.
We are wanting to install a PVC water nipple system in our new chickie coop and was wondering how high to make it and how far apart to put the nipples. I will have 12 girls in the new coop so would 4 nipples be enough or do I need more?
I know this is not where you would normally post this but I did post it earlier under feed and water but haven't had any response. Was hoping maybe someone on here can help.

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