post your chicken coop pictures here!

OMG! What have I gone and done? It's not just my wife anymore, I now have 5 more Ladies to care for... LMAO

My wife asked me if she could have a bird (I'm thinking parakeet). One day as we walked out of TSC the package in the cart was peeping.....That was about 5 years ago and here I am :)

My weekend project out of old barn cypress

Um is that a WEEKEND project or a bunch of weekends project? 'cause if it is the former, you get a LOT more done in a weekend than I do!

finially completed hen house and run


The last one is the menu for the predators that can't read, right?
Good thing you have the hardware cloth protection

Nicely done. Depending on what sort of predators you have, I wonder if you also want a latch on the run door near the ground so they can't pry open a gap big enough to squeeze through. Someone posted a picture of a coon that took quite the long path through very tight spaces to find a way into their coop. One of my girls that goes broody is a Cubalaya, maybe 2/3 the size of the regular large fowl I have. I would have bet against it but she managed to escape the broody buster box with the door "closed". It is held closed by a string and the gap was no more than 1 1/2" if that. She REALLY wanted out I guess.

From what I have read about egg production, I think I should be getting eggs anytime now. I want to make sure I'm doing everything right. Do the nesting boxes have to be enclosed? Mine are in what I call the nesting box "condo" inside of my combo coop/run. Do they need more privacy than that? I could modify it if necessary.

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