post your chicken coop pictures here!







Hi all! This is my first year with chickens and I have to say that I am completely in love with them! Here is my DIY coop made completely of repurposed wood, mostly from pallets, a few left over shingles from our new roof job on the house and 2x4's we had stashed away. The rooster was free handed by my neighbor, Myke. I love my coop!
So here is my coop.... im still building it is 4ft x 5ft. I have 9 chickens..... hope its enough... still have the front, shingles and interior to go. The walls are tongue and groove slats from my old barn, legs, roof and floor are from reclaimed shipping creates. Nest boxes and perches will also from the old barn. I am considering some foam insulation boards for a little extra protection.
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Hi all! This is my first year with chickens and I have to say that I am completely in love with them! Here is my DIY coop made completely of repurposed wood, mostly from pallets, a few left over shingles from our new roof job on the house and 2x4's we had stashed away. The rooster was free handed by my neighbor, Myke. I love my coop!

Love your repurposed coop too! Great when you have the materials to work with! Great!
How many chickens total?
As big as that run is you may find they'll need more room to keep from getting bored. Put a tree stump, or dog house, or old chairs, etc, in the run to keep them entertained and to snooze under and maybe some shaded roof over the run from the summer sun, winter rain/snow? Cinder blocks or paver stones around the run's perimeter to discourage digging critters like stray dogs, foxes, weasels, raccoons, or whatever. In the city we never knew we had chicken predators like city raccoons and possums and hawks until we saw them after we got the chickens! Two stray dogs broke into our fenced yard and attacked our coop but couldn't dig under it because of the paver stone perimeter. Paver stones make it less muddy to trek to the egg collection box on rainy days.


Hi all! This is my first year with chickens and I have to say that I am completely in love with them! Here is my DIY coop made completely of repurposed wood, mostly from pallets, a few left over shingles from our new roof job on the house and 2x4's we had stashed away. The rooster was free handed by my neighbor, Myke. I love my coop!
Welcome to BYC! Your diy coop looks great!

Nice build, pretty colors, nice to have 3 hens of the same breed to get along! For predator safety you probably already guessed a lot of BYCers will suggest some cattle wire or hardware cloth around the bottom perimeter of the flimsy chicken poultry hex wire. Stray dogs mangled our poultry wire beyond repair. Around the coop perimeter a row of cinder blocks or paver stones will help deter digging critters like dogs, raccoons, possums, etc. You never know you have chicken predators until you have chickens! Chickens love to dig deep holes for dust baths is why we put our first open-bottom small coop on bricks so they wouldn't undermine the foundation or dig themselves out. Clever critters those chickens!
Cute yes.... But when you have sooooo many you start worrying that your spouse has lost his/her mind.... My husband said only 10... 3 years ago... Now... Just a few more than that... By about 50.....

Ya I was told no more than 4 because we don't use eggs that often and since we started with two and since two hens have us enough eggs but I wanted to sell show and breed so I got 15 now and I want to get some splash silkies to show and breed in my breeding pen
Thank you everyone! I currently have 5 hens and 1 rooster in the coop. 6 chicks are in the brooder and 2 ducklings are also in the brooder with them. The ducks are getting their own duck pond area. That's the next project! The run is big because I wanted to make sure they had enough outside time because the idea of free ranging scares me with the area we are in. We let them free range today after clipping feathers and they did awesome. I plan on adding a swing and some stumps to the run to give them some things to play with.

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