post your chicken coop pictures here!

junebuggena - great, thanks. No problem building what we need to build. Just don't want to overbuild.

What @junebuggena said.... predators travel through the canyons we in San Diego have left wild. I started with chikens in Santee. which is inland about eight to ten miles. from the coast. But during summer there will be mountain lion sightings ALL the way to the coast. Following game and water.

coop space just has to be protected from the occasional rain and wind and predators. Raccoons are the most prevalant of em all and the most intelligent and dilligent predators. they can rip a hole in plain chicken wire. We are talking the main roost area where they will sleep at night.

Up in the desert where My big coop is I rather assumed I didnt have racoons.... wrong. I lost thirty Guinea fowl Tweenagers all missing heads. they were roosting in a chainlink enclosure on a perch that was about eighteen inches below the chainlink roof. Raccoons will reach in and grab and pull off what ever they can get. I was devistated. Same thing with perching birds that are along the walls of the chainlink. Same episode One of my Guinea Hens lost a leg right off at the hip joint through the wire. She survived it though.

so I put Hardware cloth along the walls where the roosts came up against the chainlink and a Tarp over the top of the Guineas. but I wasnt happy.

I Used to have Aviaries and when i moved up to the desert I brought all my aviary cage wire with me.... Below shows my fortification Avairy wire over the top of chainlink. This aviary wire is 12.5 gauge with a spacing of 3 x 1/2 inches.

I lost my last flock to Coyotes which was the result of cascade failure.... very long story. I didnt replace any because i am rebuilding the coop to suit a better situation.

the coop will transform into a Poultry house because of my physical deterioration I cant haul water and food any more. The new house will have water piped into it as well as having all access from the center aisle.

So in the long run over building is not possible. Building for flexibility is an absolute necessity.

My future plan

This is how I affix perches in wire the eye bolts can be used with any wire support they work as a physical support for the perch and clips or wires run through them keep them from hopping off

The bottom pictures show my aviary wire. you turn the eyebolts once inserted through and it snugs the perch up to the wire... very secure.

You can buy this wire right here in Santee....

the beauty of the aviary wire is its self supporting. you can construct a cage without any internal support. I used Zip ties for assembly then Hog rings to make it perminant.

  • perchie.girl - Thank you. Hadn't heard of Wingz Store but we'll go check it out. Two sides of our coop/run will attach to our concrete wall. 1/2" hardware cloth throughout is the plan, roof for shade & protection from rain.

We've lived in this neighborhood for 7+ years. Opossum, coyote, skunk, hawks are the most frequent culprits. I assume there are raccoons though they've never been a problem on our block. If we were closer to Lake Murray or near the bigger canyons the bobcats/mountain lions would be something more to worry about but we've never heard of that being an issue. We'll talk to a neighbor who keeps chickens/turkeys to see what we can pick up from her.

I'll post a drawing when I get it done tonight or tomorrow. Gotta get going on construction this weekend.
Actually, I'm cutting in vents down low, with a "Chef's Hat" vent in the roof to provide natural convection.

The window on the side is fixed. The one in front opens.
I have heard of cayotes around my parents neighborhood. I never saw one in a decade until two were clawing in to get my mothers new chickens the second night she had them. Chickens give off one very distinct and large dinner bell stink.
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I don't know if you can tell what is lurking just 20 feet of our coop.... Let's hope all the installs/upgrades do us well as there have been a lot of coyotes spotted carrying chickens off in our neighbourhood.

After finding this guy this morning (and running him off) I also finally finished the top of our gate. Fingers crossed the fencing holds well!


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