Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0

I can't stand guys like that ._. Especially when you want nothing to do with them. And me and my friends do that with each other xD we act like the guys that flirt with us.... One time I walked up to my friend and stared at her face forever and said "hey pretty lady, wanna be my baby gal" and we both busted out laughing.
I don't want anyone all up on me like that. I just want guy friends. The ones that never like like you and you can stay friends with or the ones that eventually get to liking you as you both know each other more, and he occasionally calls you pretty or beautiful but not all the time.... And you have a lot in common, and you act like normal functioning friends, and then sometimes you have that one that just clicks..... Now that's what I call a deal.

Well, I've been friends with him since, like, the second grade..and I had a small crush on him but I got over it after I didn't see him for almost a whole year and met Peter.
Well.....I accidentally told Duck to tell Peter to kiss me .. oops.
She both scared, confused, and surprised him all at once. I finally got it smoothed down with him and I was joking around saying he's going to have to "man up" and do it himself because, me, I think the guy should kiss the girl first.
And he said he would!! She even gave him instructions and everything.
She asked if he wanted a 'romantic' kiss or a 'sweet' kiss ..... what's the difference?? He thought I would get really really mad at him if he kissed me..and he was all scared that I would be mad at him and I guess possibly jeopardize our relationship(if it can be called that). To be honest, I would kiss him before I would hit him.
And BTW if any of that sounded particularly ... strange, it's the middle of the morning here.....
Hahaha. That's funny. I agree I think guys should kiss girls first..well hopefully you will get kissed soon.

Well.....I accidentally told Duck to tell Peter to kiss me .. oops.
She both scared, confused, and surprised him all at once. I finally got it smoothed down with him and I was joking around saying he's going to have to "man up" and do it himself because, me, I think the guy should kiss the girl first.
And he said he would!! She even gave him instructions and everything.
She asked if he wanted a 'romantic' kiss or a 'sweet' kiss ..... what's the difference?? He thought I would get really really mad at him if he kissed me..and he was all scared that I would be mad at him and I guess possibly jeopardize our relationship(if it can be called that). To be honest, I would kiss him before I would hit him.
And BTW if any of that sounded particularly ... strange, it's the middle of the morning here.....
Hahaha. That's funny. I agree I think guys should kiss girls first..well hopefully you will get kissed soon.

I nearly feel outta my chair when I read that.
He, I think he doesn't want anybody to be able to say he did anything, even just a kiss..his dad got a girl pregnant when he was 16 and she was 15, and both of his older brothers have gotten, I think multiple girls pregnant out of marriage.
He struggles with having to carry that around a lot.
Awe poor guy.

I nearly feel outta my chair when I read that.
He, I think he doesn't want anybody to be able to say he did anything, even just a kiss..his dad got a girl pregnant when he was 16 and she was 15, and both of his older brothers have gotten, I think multiple girls pregnant out of marriage.
He struggles with having to carry that around a lot.

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