Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0


Duck is now proceeding to harass him.

I can't stand guys like that ._. Especially when you want nothing to do with them. And me and my friends do that with each other xD we act like the guys that flirt with us.... One time I walked up to my friend and stared at her face forever and said "hey pretty lady, wanna be my baby gal" and we both busted out laughing.
I don't want anyone all up on me like that. I just want guy friends. The ones that never like like you and you can stay friends with or the ones that eventually get to liking you as you both know each other more, and he occasionally calls you pretty or beautiful but not all the time.... And you have a lot in common, and you act like normal functioning friends, and then sometimes you have that one that just clicks..... Now that's what I call a deal.
I can't stand guys like that ._. Especially when you want nothing to do with them. And me and my friends do that with each other xD we act like the guys that flirt with us.... One time I walked up to my friend and stared at her face forever and said "hey pretty lady, wanna be my baby gal" and we both busted out laughing.
I don't want anyone all up on me like that. I just want guy friends. The ones that never like like you and you can stay friends with or the ones that eventually get to liking you as you both know each other more, and he occasionally calls you pretty or beautiful but not all the time.... And you have a lot in common, and you act like normal functioning friends, and then sometimes you have that one that just clicks..... Now that's what I call a deal.


thats how my current crush is :p We're friends, and he always says im 'stalking him' and once he said to his friend that i stalk him cuz of his 'flowing mane' and 'Strong muscles'

totally killed me, i bursted out laughing for several minutes
I send stuff like that to my friends, as a joke. Once we had a text conversation that looked like this:
Me: Hey babe
Friend: I think you might have the wrong number....
Me: No, it's me. You should call me sometime
Friend: Well, yes, I can call you. Please don't call me babe.
Me: Soz, I gotta go. 'Night babe.

It's hilarious. For me, at least.

Well, it's not really like that.

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