Post your exotic/domestic duck aviary/pool pics

Are there anymore aviary pictures?

Here is a picture of my mandarin hen that I had to sell this past summer, he mate died and she was all alone so she went to a home with other mandarin ducks!

everyones aviaries are so nice :)
i might be getting 5 mallard/pekin ducklings. they are still young so i will be keeping them in a converted rabbit hutch for a bit. until they are bigger and i can get a real run together.

not sure how tall it should be? i'm about 5'4" and was thinkin just tall enough for me to walk in would be plenty.
and hoping i can get it set up and seeded with some things this fall. maybe have a duckhouse with 2 doors, one on either side. opening to two different aviaries. i can plant and tend one side while the ducks roam and eat the other side. then rotate them to the other side and replant and tend the first side.
not sure what all to be planting in them though.

cant wait :)
great thread!

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