Post your favorite song.

I love Big Rock Candy Mountain! Its so funny!

But my favorite is this:

Not generally into that kind of music,but it was pretty good.Here's one i found just surfing youtube recently,never heard of this girl but for some reason i love the song.

And another,skip to 1:20.

I like lots.

Modestep - Feel Good

A Skylit Drive - See You Around

Die Antwoord - $o$

The Music - Getaway

Mt Eden - Sierra Leone

Borgore - Guided Relaxation

Lots of different stuff. Mostly dubstep.
"Give Me Your Eyes"~Brandon Heath

If the song comes up with an advertisement first, I suggest you skip it, since it was totally incompatible with the song.
It seems that sometimes the same song will come up with a different ad, or none at's hard to tell with VEVO.
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