Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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So excited that I just have to post this twice. We got our first egg today! Courtesy of our 21 week old RIW, Batman. Yay Batman! Unfortunately, she skipped the next boxes and built herself a beautiful nest right in the middle of the coop (hardest spot for us to get to) but I totally forgive her.


ok here are my first egg pics.. they laid them today!
They are next to my very last store bought egg I hope

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Only have two chickens, got them on July 10, 2009, when they were 20 weeks old. So this week they're about 32 weeks old. The Black Marans sang a long, long song two days ago. Then, yesterday she did an "egg squat" for the first time. ChickenLittle, the White Splash Ameraucana, hasn't shown any egg-readiness as yet.

Around 2pm today:
HennyPenny, the Black Marans chicken, sculpted a hollow in the nest box!! She's never, ever even set foot in there before. So eggciting I can
hardly stand it. I watched her go tippy-toeing in there about five times in the last hour. She pokes at the glass decoy egg that I've had in there for the past two months and coos and cackles and hops out to make sure I'm still here. I sat just outside the coop and she actually came and hopped up onto my lap and hung out there for awhile. First time she ever did that. I've been singing and chanting to her. Time to go off to the post office, so I can't be her doula anymore until I get back. Will there be an egg waiting for me???????????? Stay tuned. More later.

6:30 this evening:
WhoooooooooHoooooooooo! And who's the cleverest little pullet in the world? I ask you... Tadaaaaaaaaaaaa: a beautiful brown egg is in my hand!!!!! Still warm ! What a hooot!!
-CrazyChickenLady (bak-bak-bakawwwwwwww!)



Here's my first egg! It was laid by "Fatty", I call her that because she's at least twice as big as my other hens. She's 23 weeks, 4 days old. I read on here that you'll get your first egg three days after you're ready to pull your hair out, and it's so true.


Egg was found under the nesting boxes.


My Fatty
This is a picture of our very first egg. Henny my buff orpington pullet was the one who layed it. We are so proud of her. She missed day two but has been laying every day since. She was 20 weeks old when she started laying and had kicked most of the straw out of her nest. lol . She has started leaving it in since.
The black feather is from one of my dominique pullets.

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Here are pictures of our first egg. We were soooooo excited!
Not sure who layed it, was either an RIR, SLW, Australorp, or Buff. Now we have to decide who gets ot eat it! The hens are all 20 weeks old exactly, I wasn't expecting eggs for a few more weeks, so it was a nice surprise!


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My girls are finally laying!!! I have 13 laying hens, 4 black australorps and 9 buff orpingtons. Walked out a couple of days ago and found 3, and ever since have found 3 to 5 eggs...woohooo!!! No more store bought eggs!!!
OOOOhhh!! I got my first egg from the new pullets and it was blue-green!! I got 4 EEs from Ideal - they will be 5 months on Monday - don't know who it is, but I am tickled!

Here are photos of one of the adult Wyandotte's eggs with the pullet egg. My counter top is really a little blue - the EE egg is a greenish blue in reality.


After weeks of waiting- I got ... drum roll please...

MY FIRST BLUE EGG!! it's a pale aqua- beautiful!


Here it is next to the wyandotte's last two eggs
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