Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Got my first chickens ever on Saturday (2 Domineckers, 2 RIR's and 1 Appenzeller), and my first egg ever on Monday, layed by the bossiest of the Domineckers!
My 1st egg from my hen Trouble, she's an RIR and a good 6-7 months old. The white store bought egg was a large one.

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seramas, they layed their fisrt egg last week and have been laying one a day since.pictured with a large egg from the store.
I have been waiting forever to post here.

Here it is finally, from a white leghorn (22 weeks)


The nest boxes were a mess but the egg still ended up in the middle of the ground.

My first egg ever! Laid by my 21 week old Rhode Island Red. It's the brown one, shown here with a store bought large white egg. Our two hens free range in the back yard and she laid this in her cage just like I was hoping she would!
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I have my first eggs today!
A blue/green and a pink!

Here's one of my layers:

Here's my two 2" long eggs!


I'm so excited I had to share! I cleaned the pen inside and out today and put fresh pine chips in the nesting box along with two golf balls. I checked the nest box about an hour later and had these two little gems!! I screamed, grabbed them and ran into the house to show my husband. Took photos and put them safely in the fridge. Then realized I didn't even say thank you to the girls! I thanked them with some shredded cheese.

I am tickled!
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