Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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My chickens just turned 19 weeks today and gave me a nice present! There was one small egg in the nest box next to the golf balls this morning! It was most likely laid by Heddie, one of our Barred Plymouth Rocks. Ketchup the Rhode Island Red is not far behind.

Its the one on the left, of course.

And here's my son holding it.
Hi, I did not take a picture, but we got our first egg yesterday!!! This is our first time with chickens, and they are all 16 weeks old. Is that kind of young to start laying??? 3 of them started squatting last week, and 2 more are squatting now.
I suspect the egg was laid by a Red Star, because 2 of them have been clucking like crazy, and their waddles and combs are very big and red. Not quite doing the egg song, but close to it! But I also have a Wyandotte who seems ready to go, followed by a Barred Rock and Buff Orpington. I can't wait to get home from work to check to see if we have another egg!
And I like the quail egg, Tara Rose. My neighbors raise quail, so I saw my first quail eggs only a few weeks ago. They taste pretty good too! (The egg, that is. I didn't eat the bird!)
Funny because I ended up with quail, unexpectedly. It was a pleasant surprise I wasn't even thinking about them laying eggs, I don't know why. How many eggs for an omelet I wonder? Not that I could eat this one. I will have to blow it out and save it.
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