Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Beautiful blue/green egg.

I went out to the coop today and look what I found!!!! I was so proud of my girls! This is my first time raising chickens and therefore, my first eggs ever! We have 18 layers and one let the good times roll! I can't wait until tomorrow to see if I have anything waiting for me...

Congratulations! Those eggs are beautiful! Did you jump up and down and yell "Eggs!, Eggs!" like I did?
I still get a kick out of every egg everyday and it's been over a year now.
What breed is this? They're beautiful!!

Thank you! They are bantam mille fleur cochins. They are so sweet and friendly too!
Congrats to all the new layers!! So exciting when you get your first egg

My first hatchling, Holly (hatched from an egg laid and incubated by my older chooks), just laid her first egg the other day. That was pretty exciting... It was a nice mint green. Very pretty.
Our first egg ever! Our three girls - black australorps - that we've raised from chicks. Am assuming it's from the largest one. She seems to be a little ahead of the other two. So exciting!



This second photo is a few weeks old. Their combs are much redder and they've got quite respectable wattles now. Must do another portrait session...
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