Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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this is my first egg, but not the hen's first egg:


our little BO hen, felicity, came wandering out of the wilderness about a month and a half ago. from whence she came, we do not know. she immediately went into a heavy moult and we've had no eggs from her until this week. she's given us one per day so far. it's very exciting! my first chicken! my first egg!
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Congratulations!! My hens should be laying by august. Loved your blog page. I live in LA too (Los Feliz) and have tried to go as green as possible in my environment. I love being able to have chickens in an urban setting. The poop has done wonders for my garden this year.
ok, first of all, my girls are 19-20 weeks old, and i've been waiting about 19-20 weeks to post this, so with out further ado here's are first TWO eggs, we got home after work and the df went to feed and water...then I hear a BAAAAAABBBBEEE come here, he comes running out of the hen house yelling we made eggs...silly boy, but I love him...naturally we're not sure who, we just know its from the red stars.

Darn, will this post/thread be here in September? When I am actually going to possibly see some eggs from the DelightfulDozen?

Pics of eggs are great! Men with eggs, shave early and shave often! Facial hair and new eggs, not so good! LOL
lol, he really is something when it comes to his ladies...after all, I had ordered the chicks, then asked him if I could have chickens, he said no, I said they'll be here in march. Ever since they got here he has been in love with them. He doesn't want to learn all the whats, whys and hows, but he loves to sit out there and talk to his girls...his girls mind you, like he came up with the chicken idea.
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