Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Finally!! The little brown one next to the store bought one. RIR 21 weeks 4 days. Hopefully the others will get the idea.


Yesterday, lo and behold, our first egg! It was properly laid in the nest box before I even had a chance to put the golf balls in. I think it was the red frizzle bantam cochin, as she had been grumbling for the past two days. This afternoon I checked and the same nest box (with golf ball) had another little surprise. Two eggs in as many days! The bantams are 20 weeks old, and the big girls are 17 weeks, so I think it must be the bantams and these are really tiny eggs. (Egg on right is grocery store egg)

Found it this morning... Here's my toddler inspecting said egg, with our proud Buff Orpington, "Mary Poppins" in the background... and next to our VW key for size comparison... such a tiny little egg! Good Girl Mary Poppins!
Here is a picture of our very first egg from Rosie our Pekin Bantam laid at approx 2.30pm this afternoon. We are all so very excited. Don't think we can possibly eat it though it's too precious

First Egg! Today at 10:30am. Rhode Island Red @ 22 weeks. About 1/2 size of large egg. Woo Hoo!
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got my first egg yesterday it was pecked on or stepped on layed in the heres a pic of my second egg today...this one layed in the nesting box that i built
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