Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Ok my chickies just started laying last week.. I have 2 RIR, 2 Barred Rock, 1 BO, and a white one (not sure about her breed). They are all 19 weeks today. I got a total of four eggs last week-I think the RIR are laying. So far all eggs are small, golf ball size approx. So 2 questions... Are these ok to eat and when will they increase in size? Not in any hurry, just curious and need to know what to look for. Thanks for the help!
17 weeks! wow! Mine are 15 weeks....better get the nesting boxes ready!

I got so much help from this website. At 15 weeks they were starting to get big, red combs. That's when I got the nesting boxes ready and put a couple golf balls in. I wouldn't have been ready if it hadn't been for this wonderful site!
my first eggs, just before Christmas last year
lots of different sizes
and one that makes the eyes water!
Ok my chickies just started laying last week.. I have 2 RIR, 2 Barred Rock, 1 BO, and a white one (not sure about her breed). They are all 19 weeks today. I got a total of four eggs last week-I think the RIR are laying. So far all eggs are small, golf ball size approx. So 2 questions... Are these ok to eat and when will they increase in size? Not in any hurry, just curious and need to know what to look for. Thanks for the help!
Yes! We ate ours
Wow! Those are some crazy eggs! I would agree that despite your best efforts, they probably just aren't eating much because of the heat.
I just wanted everyone to know that all is well and after the heat wave, it's still hot but not like the last couple of days. All my layers gifted me with eggs today, including Madonna, our 14yr old. She is laying under a work bench (4) so far. That's 10 eggs for her in the past 2 weeks. LaLa and ChaCha that layed the funny shell less laid great eggs too.

Betty, Madonna, Jessica, ChaCha and LaLa....much better day for my girls...
I have several pullets, and a few have started laying. I have a Blue Copper Marans that laid every day for 8 days straight, then one day I got a different egg…they had been very shiny and nice dark brown- this one was rough, like cement, and a lighter color but with some dark speckles. No egg from the blue this day, unless this could have been hers? No egg the next day, and today a nice shiny dark one again. Do you think the rough one was a new layer? Or the same BlueCM? Im sure Ill find out soon enough, but I am tooooooo curious right NOW! Thanks!

Hi! I have chicks that were hatched April 10th. 12 weeks old tomorrow.
This COULD have come from one of my older chickens, but they're all older (the youngest 2 are almost a year old).

Is that possible? Is that a bad thing (like to be concerned with)?
Notice the yolk isn't formed (I wouldn't expect it to be at this young).

As a side note...I hadn't realized that they couldn't be on layer pellets as I have them in with the rest of my flock, so they've been eating those for about 3 weeks.
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