Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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First egg from one of my Old English Game Bantams!

(Yes, I zeroed out the scale with the quarter and weighed the egg separately. It's 0.7 oz.)

Both of the pullets are so little, I can't believe one of them got out an egg this big.

They're 19 weeks old today. Is that early for bantams? I haven't had many females and last time I did they took so long I decided they weren't going to. (I was wrong, thankfully.)

The white egg is a store bought for size comparison, the cream was our FIRST egg!! It was laid the day before yesterday. We are not sure if it is a Silkie or Cochin egg though. Any insight? The brown egg was laid the next day by our red sex link Sissy!! We are so happy!!
We had no eggs today
not sure if that's normal for new layers. I am so ready to go check in the morning for eggs haha!!
This is a picture of our 1st egg. One of our RIR, Rosie, laid it on 7/21/13. We noticed her behavior was a little different and also, the "squat" is an unmistakable sign of a pullet becoming a hen....... Thank you, Rosie! I can hardly wait until the rest of our small flock begin laying, also. This is so EGGciting!
Sharing some of our first egg photos! I've been so annoyed by family and friends that just don't understand how exciting this is!

Here are my first eggs from my Ameracauna (ee), my Cuckoo Marans and my Mottled Java

My Cuckoo Marans eggs getting darker and less spotty

My very very first egg

My first blue egg compared to white store bought eggs

My blue eggs getting bigger today! Almost didn't fit in the carton!

I am starting to feel bad for this pullet. I haven't measured the other eggs but this one was HUGE!
WOW you ain't kiddin'!!! I weighed two of my 3 first eggs...first one was 1.2 ounces, second one 1.0 ounces. I weighed a couple of large eggs from the carton in the fridge (from grocery store) and they weighed 1.9 and 2.0 ounces. She popped out a big'n!!!
Sharing some of our first egg photos! I've been so annoyed by family and friends that just don't understand how exciting this is!

Here are my first eggs from my Ameracauna (ee), my Cuckoo Marans and my Mottled Java

My Cuckoo Marans eggs getting darker and less spotty

My very very first egg

My first blue egg compared to white store bought eggs

My blue eggs getting bigger today! Almost didn't fit in the carton!

Well, I am excited for you!

How cool that you are documenting the changes like you are.
I wish I had thought of that this week when one of our hens started laying her first eggs.
I think I will start now!
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