Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Thank you for the warm welcome Melabella and Bruceha2000

To be perfectly honest with you, I'm not entirely sure what Gingerhams are myself. The hatchery we bought them from doesn't really give a good description:

We have 4 girls in total, all of them Gingers although Cleo has a black head (perhaps a little bit of Australorp in there?).

Cleo's egg has taken us by surprise as we really weren't expecting to see our first egg for another 4 weeks at least! Still, we're very proud of our girl.
To be perfectly honest with you, I'm not entirely sure what Gingerhams are myself. The hatchery we bought them from doesn't really give a good description:

They are quite pretty. Weird that the hatchery doesn't give much info. But then I just looked at it and they don't give much info on other things either.

How are they doing in the heat? Or are you not in the furnace part of Oz?

How are they doing in the heat? Or are you not in the furnace part of Oz?

I worried about them one day last week when the mercury reached 41 Celsius/105 Fahrenheit but provided plenty of shade, drinking water and mist with a sprinkler over their run. February is generally our hottest month so I've been scouring other BYC posts for tips on keeping chooks cool. Thankfully the average temperature at the moment is around 27c / 80f although Melbourne has a reputation for extremely fickle weather!
Not my very first ones. Been getting about 1 egg a day for this last week. Last night I got this surprise!

Our first egg - this is not from one that we raised from chicks, but from a Blue Copper Marans that we brought home over Christmas that is about a month older than our girls I'd say. I think she's about 20 weeks?

She's a Marans, so I would assume that they will get darker as time goes on, The egg is rough with dark speckles :)

This is Eloise:

Yay for the first Marans egg!!! 20 weeks!? thats exciting. I have 3 Marans pullets that are almost 17 weeks. I think I read that Marans egg start out their darkest and get lighter over time. I could be wrong though.
Yay for the first Marans egg!!! 20 weeks!? thats exciting. I have 3 Marans pullets that are almost 17 weeks. I think I read that Marans egg start out their darkest and get lighter over time. I could be wrong though.


Our first egg - this is not from one that we raised from chicks, but from a Blue Copper Marans that we brought home over Christmas that is about a month older than our girls I'd say. I think she's about 20 weeks?

Hmmm..... She's the only one with a red comb right now and squatting so it has to be her! None of our other girls are even close. I'm guestimating the age, she was born in the summer, so I guess could be as much as 24 weeks? This is the first one we've had though - it was so teeny, but the yolk was huge! Yumm :)
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