Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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I can't find my card reader but yesterday Snow White one of EE's layed a pretty green egg an today Cinnamon layed a little brown one. I have them saved and will post a pic of them when I find the darn thing.
P.S. they are 7 weeks and 4 days. I have been waiting a long time for this!!
7 weeks and four days and they're laying? And you think that's a long time to wait?
Most of us are waiting 22 to 24 weeks or more! I think you've got a typo there.
These are the eggs we gathered 11/4/08. The egg on the top left is Pricilla's - she has been laying real soft eggs but she has not laid in about a week and yesterday her shell was much better. The egg on the lower left is Gingers'. Those two are older hens we think. The next two brown eggs are from two of the RIR's (there are four RIR's). The next huge egg is from my Buff Orp.
She only laid a few eggs before this huge one, it may be a double yolk, we will see. The three eggs to the right of that are from the EE's - only one green egg layer but it has ranged from greenish to almost bluish. Missing two RIR eggs and still waiting for the two bantams to lay.

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My first egg was officially found today. My dd found it after locking the 5 girls in the coop all day. The BR with the giant comb and wattles has to be the culprit, because she looks the part and has been ba ba bagaaaaaawking like a crazed thing every afternoon for three days...

I suspect there may be more out in the yard somewhere. Dunno if they continue to look small and delicate for long after the eggs start...we'll keep looking!


This is next to a store-bought egg.
What beautiful first eggs!!! I love reading about everyone's first find and seeing pictures.

Does Xival Knievel's egg inside and egg count as a double yoker?! hee hee heee.... that is the craziest egg I have seen!!!

HUGE congrats everyone!!!!
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My RIR mushroom finally laid and I had thought she laid months before but no...she is either 25 or 26 wks. And it was a double yolker.




The RIR egg is on the left and on the right is my Cochin.
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Here is pics of my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd egg. The first egg was on the 4th of Nov the 2nd was on the 6th and the 3rd was todays egg. She skipped a day for some reason. Cant wait for my other girls to start laying. Here are the eggs
and here is momma
. I don't know why my silkie is not laying because she is about 28weeks. The other girls are around 23 weeks. Well just thought I would share pics.



We finally found eggs. I'm not sure, if I have one laying or two because I missed a day or two and found both these on the same day. I found a third one today that was laid between 0800 and 1400.

I'm just so thrilled to have the three so far. It will be quite a breakfest on Saturday morning!!!
Marmalade and Apricot, two of our Buff orp girls has been kicking them out! These are from the past two days. We were very surprised because we thought they would never begin to lay!


The one on the right turned out to be a double-yolker!
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