Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Claire our white Silkie had a rough start with a lousy breeder who had way to many to take care of.

She is thriving now. This is her first egg after about a month of broodyness.

Stephanie said That's how it is with me, too. My girls have been laying since early August, yet I still get excited when there are eggs to be collected.....
Me too. I still get exicted and my chickens started laying Sept 2 2015.

Gorman Farm... I'm smiling because I also often thank my girls for their eggs... Kay... 12.19.15

I thank them, too, and tell them every day what beautiful and well mannered girls they are.
SoldierSailor... Your Claire is such a pretty chicken; I'm glad she has a good home now. Congrats on her first egg! Have fun... Kay in NC... 12.20.15
My lovely olive egger, Emma, laid this. Finally after several weeks of squatting


My 9 month old ee laid her first egg two days ago. It's obviously the small green egg. Now if the other three we will start I will not feel like they are free loaders!!!
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