Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Muffins laid her second. I'm 99% sure it was her now because when I went to pet her she squatted for me. They're still small, about 30% smaller that Ol Red's, but she's still learning.
This is fun.
Good to know! She laid her second egg this morning and it is already a little bigger than yesterdays! I'm sure I'm not the only one that's giddy every time she sings the egg song and I go gather it, right?! Ha. I don't think it will ever get old collecting eggs.
My silkies lay cream colored eggs.
What color are silkie eggs? And buff orpingtons? We have been getting a couple eggs a day since the first day last week when there were five total. Usually there is one deeper brown and one kinda cream color. Still no clue who is laying what. Also have a BSL hen and LF Cochin that may be laying as well.

Got my first hens (leghorn white and rhode island red) June 16 of this year and the next day, Vanilla got me my first egg.. A few days later the other one started laying.. The one in the spoon is the first attempt, the one beside it was the next day..

Finally as you can see.. #8 success.. Caramel made mama proud
Finally got my first chicken egg yesterday from my little Char. I raised 4 Easter Eggers from 1 day old (4/3 birthday) and two (Delta, Blue) are still in my flock. (Charlie was attacked by an unknown predator, and Echo turned into a rooster that went to a great home.) So 7/30 I got 2 "started laying" Easter Egger pullets (Clever Girl and Charbroiled Charlie 2) from the semi-local Amish farm, and it took over a month but one of those finally laid an egg. It's a bit early for the two I raised, and the other is just now showing a bigger red comb, but at least the long dreaded wait for the first is over. Now I just have to wait for the "first egg" from the rest. :)

It was a bit small and already cracked when I found it since she laid it outside the nest box and it fell a bit, so I opened it to examine and found a gorgeous orange yolk. It was a nice green/blue, and I'm very proud of her. Pictured by the quail egg loot of the day for size comparison.

First egg yesterday, and another today from my little black Australorp, Charlie. She's only 17 weeks old. I have 5 other Australorps all the same age and none of their combs or waddles are turning red yet.i m so excited
Glinda's turn!

I'm pretty sure it's hers, because the other two pullets who have yet to lay are both Easter Eggers and the only other hen's currently laying are Muffins (also an EE, lays a green egg) and 'Ol Red, My Production Red who's egg is on the right for comparison.
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