Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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Here's some I've collected from this years pullets forgot to put something beside them for size comparison but the bowl is about 5.5" in dia. The pic. posted here is real close to being actual size.

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our oldest is a 7 month old RIR... i dont think this is hers... i think this belongs to one of our black australorps... but.. we just brought home our delaware from the fair last night... she's been there 11 days around other egg laying chickens lol.. and she did squat when i went to take her out of her cage.... who knows.... i have no clue who it belongs to.... but its our first egg!!!

One of my really-dark-egg-layers has finally started to lay. But, can anyone help me with which one it might be?

I have a Silver Cuckoo Marans that is 27 weeks old and it seems like she should be laying by now. How dark are Silver Cuckoo Marans eggs? My Black Copper Marans is 21 weeks old and hatched from eggs this color. I also have a Splash Marans and Blue Marans that are 17 weeks old, but they're probably too young.

I don't know how dark Silver Cuckoo Marans eggs are (I got mine as a chick). My Black Copper Marans eggs were quite dark, and I know that it's possible for that pullet to lay at 21 weeks.

Can anyone help me? If it's the same hen, she's laid 2 eggs in the last two days. The first is oddly shaped, and I'm wondering if it's a double-yoker. The second is normal and smaller. Here is a pic:


Believe it or not, these eggs are actually darker than this picture indicates. The flash lightened them up.
My new silkie hen decided to leave me a gift while I was out of town.
First eggs ever laid at my house!
The white one is store bought, for comparison purposes:

The gratuitous proud of what my hen can do shot:

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